Chapter TwentyNine - What... NOW?!

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Waking up with him right next to me is like winning the lottary. It doesn't happen to often as he often has to go up way earlier then I. Clock were nine and the hole house was quiet. Not even Elin was up. I nuzzled my nose into the crock of his neck while Niall made some muffled sounds. His eyes fluttered open and a wide smile spread across his face. His eyes in the glitter state again. So breath taking. 

"Hi lovely" He mumbled and brought me up on his chest so we were face to face. I brushed his cheek. He was here. His jaw was slightly rough though. Niall had tried to grow a beard. I giggled and hid my face in his chest. This idiot.

"You're stunning in the morning did you know?" He mumbled studying my face. "Did you know lying is almost alegal" I said and smiled smugly. "Oh mam I'm telling the truth" He said, putting his hands over his head and chuckled lowly. He kissed me slowly and I hugged him tightly. I had missed him so much. His hands wrapped in my hair, his lips captured in mine. 

We spent a long long time getting ready. Taking things slow. I didn't need it as much as he did. He was off from tour for the first time in months he could take it slow without getting late to anything and it was nice for him I think.

Suddenly I remember Elin's shoot and ran down stairs just to find her eating her cereal in peace in the kitchen.  "You look like you just seen a ghost" Elin stated and I shook my head. "Niall's here" I said a bit out of breath and she nodded like I just had stated the obvious. "He texted me saying he was going to surprise you" She explained and brought a new spoon into her mouth. I rolled my eyes of course he did. Sneaky bastard. 

I walked back up just to find Niall butt naked. He was standing taking things out of his closet. He didn't even react when I came in. "How come I have a hole closet full of clothes, still I can't find anything comfortable to wear?" He asked and looked at me. He noticed I was blushing and took on some boxers and held a shirt up.

I don't know why I was. I've seen it all before. Maybe it was because it was light outside. Not that it didn't look good.... Crap what am I thinking?!

"Should I have this on, or this?" He asked and I laughed and walked to him putting my arms around his waist. "Both are nice" I said and he rolled his eyes holding the t-shirts up looking at them. "Not helping" He muttered and I laughed. "Take the white one" I said and he nodded. "That wasn't so hard was it" He said and gave me a quick kiss before walking into the bathroom. 

I took on a summer dress. Mostly because it looked to become hot today and I didn't want to become over heated. I put a bandana into my hair. It didn't remove any of my hair it was just there to... look pretty. When Niall came out of the bathroom again he had styled his hair and seemed just ready to start the day.

"You go down and eat some breakfast, I'll be down in a minute" I said and gave him a kiss before walking into the bathroom. He nodded and walked out of the room. Having a few minutes to my own in the morning I like. I put my make up on slowly not feeling much of a stress. We would have to be out of the house by half past ten if we were going to make it to the shoot. 

As I was thinking. Did Harry return with Niall... Was he in the house? Sabina would be pissed is he didn't. Did Gamma know? I mean that would explain why she had to meet Sabina yesterday. As I was trying to figure out all of this Sabina danced into the bathroom. Literally danced in. 

"Isn't it a beautiful day?!" She said with so much enthusiasm that I sat down on the toilet seat just by the force that was Sabina Kjellhard. "It is" I chuckled and stood up placing all of my make up back in my make up bag. 

We walked down the stairs down there Harry and Niall stood waiting. Behind them Elin was muttering scootching them over. I gave a bag to Elin who didn't really think anything just took it. Niall grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. 

"We'll go in my car" He said and I face palmed myself. RIGHT! He has a car! We don't have to take the tube. I looked over at Sabina who laughed. Where was Manja? I stopped and looked up at him. "Where is Manja?" I asked and he smiled. "She's with Josh... They're at his place, we'll go over there after the shoot" He said and I relaxed. All of my friends were taking care off. 

We sat down in his land rover and Elin in the back. The radio went on and the familiar sound of Scott mills wen't through the car. He babled on about something for me non important. As we drove we chatted and Niall told us about things we had missed on the tour. 

Apparently the opening act had pranked them and they had thrown nutela on them as response. The half an hour going to the place was gone in a bliss. I'd think I'd be afraid having Niall drive but It was really comfortable. He told me about how he was thinking about buying a new one in which me and Elin bombarded him with Ideas. Then he just told us he was happy with the one he had and didn't want to change. 

Something we hadn't really thought about was Paps. Of course we knew they existed in London. But when I saw the man with the camera I knew exactly what we had missed. 

"Niall" I whispered, feeling the colour from my face drain. "Yes baby" He said and looked at me with a smile, the smile fading quickly when he saw my face. Ididn't let my eyes from the road. "There is paps following us" I said and looked around in my bag trying to find something that maybe would make me look good enough. 

"Emma, Shh, It's going to be fine, I'm here" Niall said patting my leg and smiling. "I know" I said and took a few breaths. The Panic was gone and I felt my face getting it's colour back. That's when the car stopped. We had stopped in front of an old, castle like building. 

The paps jumped out of their vans. I was astonished of how fast and quickly they did that. We stopped first still they were in front of our doors quicker then quick. Niall Jumped out and ran to my side taking a protective grip around my waist. He looked behind him for Elin. "Go!" She said and we started moving. 

When we came in the crew and people inside looked at us. 

The man from yesterday came over. Now in a t-shirt and a huge camera in his hands. After him some girls in tight dresses came walking. They had glasses and hair up in a ponytail. Probably also working. They weren't models. 

"You made it!" He said happily and reached out his hand which we shook happily. "You didn't say you knew boybandmembers" He said and Looked at Niall. "Actually one is my brother" She said and walked past him. He walked after her humming. 

I turned to walk with them but Niall let go of me. 

"I'm going to call Harry to warn him, I'll find you" He said and kissed me quickly before walking away putting his phone up to his ear. Elin was talking to the guy and suddenly she was in a styling chair. That went fast. 

I watched as they put on make up on her and plucked her eyebrows. They showed her heals, Jewellery and all kinds of stuff. She just nodded giving them permission for everything. Elin has always looked like a model but when they were finished she looked stunning. Absolutely breath taking. 

"Where is Louis by the way?" I asked suddenly realizing he wasn't there. "He's in Manchester with Eleanor" Elin answered simply and I nodded. I get it I knew how he felt. Sorry but boyfriends and girlfriends goes before siblings. In the 'I'm seeing after tour' list anyways. 

When Elin was finished Niall, Harry and Sabina came walking. Harry with his hand around Sabina's. Sabina let out a squeel. "OH MY GOD! LOOK AT YOU!" She shouted with an megawatt smile. Niall returned to his place next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. 

The guy now named John. Came over and seemed to be about to burst by happiness. 

"I knew it was right to ask you to come!" He said happily and took her hand leading her to the set. Harry and Niall sat down in two of the chairs that was set behind the camera and We, Me and Sabina sat down in their laps. 

Elin posed and it didn't even seem to be her. I didn't recognize the model ifront of me. So concentrated but so beautiful. Not that Elin haven't been beautiful becaue she have. But now it was so different. I smiled as I had found the right place for my best friend. 

As she was having her shoot Sabina nudged me with her phone. I looked at it breifly and waved her off. 

"Emma I think you'd want to see this" She said sternly and I got annoyed but took the phone. My breath hitched in my throat. 


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