Chapter ThirtySeven - Straight Of The Plane To A New Hotel

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After this fall I was exhausted. I was back in England for not only a doctors appointment but also some promo for the book that would be out this summer. I had turned eighteen a week ago and I had felt ready for it. Thought this meant that I had to take care of so much more then I'm used to. Therefore I was going to the doctors.

I had for the last week been doing paper work and finalizing my British citizen ship. I had even been to the police and got papers from there too. This was a big thing as I have a phobia for police, firefighters not to mention nurses and doctors.

But at this moment I sat at nandos with Sabina. We are just taking lunch before I headed to the doctors. I needed her to calm my nervs. Of course nothing was wrong but I hated doctors and nurses.

''So are you staying all weekend or?'' Sabina asked sipping from her coke. ''I don't know, Angela wants me too but I'm not sure if it's good if I miss any more school'' I grumbled picking up a French fries. ''That's true but your book is the future'' she said pointing at me with her fork. I nodded my head. ''Aaanndd if you stay we could have a sleep over?'' she said smiling widely. I thought for a moment. Desperately I was in need of a sleep over. Just a girls night where I could just relax. ''That sounds great... I'll think about it some more, okay?'' I said and she nodded.

We walked to the tube together and I was shaking and the food I had ate earlier seemed to be dancing on spikes. Everything was slightly blurry as well. Why do I put myself through these things?

The hospital itself was quite fancy and really good. I had done my fair share of research before I settled with the London bridge hospital. After all I would pay them a lot to keep me healthy. Something I had avoided with all this was telling Niall. I didn't want him to jump at conclusions and think I was dying or anything. Especially when he's across the globe in japan on promo.

Where he needed to be right now.

"Hi I have an appointment at One" I said to the lady behind the glass. "Name? ID" She asked and looked at her screen. "Emma Strömberg and yeah here" I said pushing my hideous ID card under the glass. She tapped away on her keyboard. then gave the ID back and pointed at the chairs. "Dr. Jones will be with you in a minute" She said and smiled. I gave her a smile and nod before walking to sit down in the big lobby.

Beside me a little girl sat with tissues wrapped perfectly around her elbow. She had her state at one point any that was the Telly in the middle of the big lobby. Right Opposite of me an old couple sat and three chairs to my left a guy sat with ice pressed to his head. I always get to curious about these things. So badly I wanted to know why they were there and what had happened to them. But before I got a chance to ask any of them a man in white robe came to the hall way and said my name.

The nurse showed me to a room where I sat down in one of the chairs. But just as my but had landed on the chair I had to stand up.

''You must be Emma! I'm Lilly Jones'' She said and reached her hand out. I gave a smile and shook her hand lightly. ''Nice to meet you'' I said politely. She looks down in her papers and I take my jacket off. 

"So were are going to do some basic stuff today, as well taking some blood tests" She said writing on the laptop. "But first, Do you have any special medical history or anything in your family?" Lilly asked and looked up at me. "I broke my arm when I was seven or so but other then that I've been healthy" I said and she nodded writing it down.

I took a few deep breaths. She didn't seem to bad. "Well Both of my grandmas have died through cancer thought and I guess that an Medical history" I said and she stopped writing and looked up. "What kind?" She asked with Crockett eyebrows. "Lung and Breast cancer... well my fathers mother had all kinds of cancer at the end" I said and she sighed and wrote it into the computer. 

"As I suppose you understand this means you have a higher risk of getting cancer, therefore we will do a special check up every month, Just to be sure nothing new has poped up" She said and I nodded. My stomach made back flips. I don't know why I was so scared. I had always been healthy... nothing to be scared of. 

Lilly stood up with a little block and walked to me. She went of asking me questions which I answered nicely.

I spent the hole day at the hospital doing various exams. Nobody really told me what exam I was doing or what it was for but I trusted Lilly and went on with it. I called Niall at noon as usual just telling him that everything was fine and that I would call him tonight again. 

"So you will move here next year?" Lilly asked as she examined me. This being the third time today. I had already done blood work and a few other things. "Actually it's more like half a year now" I said awkwardly. 

She was about to say something when she stopped. She rubbed the place of my armpit again. This time pain shot through my arm. 

"Ow that hurt" I said with my eyebrows furred together as I looked at where she was holding her fingers. "I'm not going to freak you out but I can feel a small lump right here..." She said and felt around an area that I now could see was defiantly a lump. It felt like Ice washed over me. Please no. I whispered in my head. 

She kept on examining me and froze at a part of my left breast. NIall had commented on a lump there a few months ago but I had just assumed that it was like an inwards pinple or something in that perspective. 

"We will run some more tests and your blood work should be done in two hours or so but I'd really like if you'd stay here as we wait" She said as I put my bra and t-shirt on. "I don't want to scare you but there is a possibility that it is cancer but it could be a cyst as well so don't panic" Lilly said and typed on her computer. 

And like that I was left. She did give me more information but it kinda just slipped of my mind. Even if she told me not to panic and not think of the worst that was what I was doing. With my luck it had to be cancer. Exactly like she said I had a higher risk of getting cancer. It was like it was imprinted onto my DNA. 

I was escorted out in the lobby. in my mind I was thinking about who I should tell. Should I call my parents? I didn't really have any real reason to call them or even want them to fly over. Would I get treated in England or Sweden? Would I even survive?

Then Niall was poped into my brain. What would he say? Would he stay? Would We be a couple? How would it affect his carrier? So many questions that wouldn't be answered. MY heart was racing out of control and the people in the small lobby was looking at me as if I was insane. Of course they didn't know the news I had just gotten but seriously never judge a girl.

Sabina sent me a text. It asked if I was okay and how my appointment had gone. I didn't have the gut to tell her. In all honesty I didn't even know. People came and went every few hours. The two hours was extended to four hours. 

Finally Lilly showed up in the door frame. Relief washed over my face and I stood up. The sudden relief turned to fear when i saw her face. She wouldn't meet my gaze and didn't smile as she had done all day. She didn't even great me she just escorted me into the room she had examined me in four hours ago. In her hands she had a map with a lot of papers.

As I sat down she gave me a weak smile and that's when I knew. She didn't have to say they words. I knew.

"You Have Cancer" 

The words left her mouth and they seemed to hit me like a brick wall. That's it. She started telling me about different kinds of treatments and how they would like to aprotche the cancer and how I would feel most comfortable doing it. But all that went through my mind was.

I'm dead.

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