Chapter TwentySix - London

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When a week had past we were at home in London. We had our routine in the evening and we worked through our bucket list to do. We had visited Big ben, London eye and westmister. Elin and I strolled through small cozy streets of the city and I really didn't want to ever leave. This felt like home. More home then the city I've grown up in felt. 

I wanted this year to fly by so I could live here permanently. Not partime that it would become now. I was still in school and I had made a promise to my parents to finish school before I would start my author carrier. But I just wanted my life to begin.

My book meant everything to me. It was something I had worked on for two years now. A publishing company had called me up after I had sent the first few chapters out and they wanted to publish the book. It was kinda like getting signed for a mucisan.

Of course I had to be alot in London for that. That's why we had already bought an apartment. I would be over in the U.K, all breaks and some weekends so we came to the conclusion that was the best decision. Now it was just to finish school.

Sigh. Still. A Year. 

Even if I felt so home here I missed my family. I hadn't seen any of them in a month and two weeks. Sadly I didn't miss my dad as much as I used to. I guess some relationships just disappear with time. But I missed my brother. So much. We had always been close and now I just hadn't had time to see him or talk to him. 

We had decided to go on a trip to IKEA. That's like Sweden in a store. Back in the day when we were like ten or twelve we used to go to IKEA and just play all day not pirtically buying anything. Just spending hours in there, eat meatballs and laying snoozing in the beds. We got thrown out 10 out of 20 times. But often in the last hour so it wasn't that bad.

So going there seemed to be a good idea to help our homesickness.

First we had a bit of a huge problem getting there. We had to ask several people where we were and where we should be headed. Today the sky was clouded and that made it more London. If you're planning on going to london don't expect sunny skys and heat. Expect foggy mornings and cloudy skys. The best kind of weather if you ask me.

Anyways when we arrived it was huge. But! It looked exactly like the one we had back home. We took a cart and I sat down in it as we walked around. Well Elin pushed me around. We actually bought a few things. Not many thought. Just like cushions and stuff like that. Things for the apartment we were going to move into next week. We'd got to go back next Friday and buy beds. Because frankly I don't want to sleep on the floor even if Niall wanted us to keep living in his house. He had some strange obsession.

Well we just bought necessary things.

"Emma! We have to have this" Elin said holding up four differen't coloured vases. I nodded and pointed at the cart. Okay maybe not just the necessary things. We bought a few glasses and plates. Elin and I walked around in the store for hours and when we were finished the sky was a creamy colour and it seemed to be a nice evening compared to the morning.

When we came home I wanted to do something different. Instead of going and just watching TV or anything like that I wanted to do twitcam. This was something that Niall had told me wasn't much of a good idea. In which I had just ignored.

When I went in on twitter I saw one of Sabina's tweets and stopped what I was doing.

@Sabinakj: Thing's are looking up, there is magic everywhere you go. x

I knew it was lyrics from somewhere so I started searching like a maniac. Finally I found it. It was Love On The Radio by McFly. I had never been a fan of them and it explained why I hadn't connected before. Relief washed over me as it seemed as it was looking up for both of my friends.

After her tweet she had answered a couple of fans and gave a sassy reply to a hater. I retweeted the tweet and added 'You go girl!' . I walked into the living room and found Elin on Niall's big mac.

"Elin I don't-"

"I already called Niall he said it was alright" She said not taking her eyes for the big screen and I shrugged and walked over to her. "We'll do it from my account because I know like Lottie has had Twitcam's so I think it's more safe for me to do one" She said and I couldn't argue with that. If I could hold myself to Niall's rules that was great.

I had watched Lottie's and Fizzy's twitcams and it just felt weird that Elin was actually one of those sisters now. Not that they personally were related but She was one of Louis' sisters now. That just seemed bonkers. Not that Sitting in Niall's apartment preparing a twitcam did. 

We had big problems in getting the twitcam on because this things was huge and everything seemed to go wrong. At last we got it working. After and hour. We apologised for being incredibly late and that we finally understood why the boys always were late.

Elin started explain where we were and that I had joined.

"I've thought a bit of what to do and I think you should bake" Elin said and I laughed. "I baked yesterday... Niall will have his freezer full of cookies and cakes Elin" I said and she shook her head. "I'll eat it! I promise" She said and gave me a look and I gave a sigh with smile.

I walked into his kitchen slowly preping up. This time on 'Emma Bakes' I'm doing a Lemon cake. Mostly because I L O V E lemon cake. I explained what I was doing as Elin watched and answered question and throwing some at me. 

"Both of my brothers is in Madrid at the moment" Elin said answering some question. "We'll follow you all from our combined account" Elin said after spending a minute trying to just catch a question. "If someone has missed that we have an combined Twitter Account called DonkenIsLife, We basically just tweet weird shit on there" Elin said and I laughed. 

We had started the account long ago by no real reason more then that it was a fun thing. Now we used it alot more mostly because it was easier to tweet on there because you knew the girls would see the answers aswell and you wouldn't be as easily targeted for hate. 

Sometimes we laid up photos there or just tweeted weird things. It went about quite freely. We had made it a rule after we started to get ALOT of followers to follow EVERYONE back. Just to not be one of those accounts that follow's ten people while having almost a million followers. It wasn't fair and we wanted to get closer to the One Direction Fandom. 

''@HarrysChic wants you to describe Niall with three words!'' Elin shouts. I grumble for a good couple of minutes. "Romantic, Energetic and... Musical" I said and Elin looked at me. "I'm now sorry for all the people throwing up for that cheesy answer" She said and I threw some sugar at her in which she squealed HEY!

"@1DLover asks if we enjoyed Italy" Elin read up and I looked over to her. "We've been there before and I have to say I preferred Rome tho Milan is really pretty" I said and Elin nodded. "Rome was just... a lot calmer" She said and I laughed and nodded in agreement. 

"@SarryDangFlabbit-" Elin burst out laughing. "Who'ever this is, I'm following you and I'm going to text Sabina and Harry to do so because YES!" She said and started to taped away on her phone. 

I giggled for a good couple of minutes. You could just see Sabina's face when she saw the text. 

"Anyways to your question-" I cut her off. "Wait what was the question?" I asked walking over hands dirty with flour. "If you would've let me talk you owuld've found out" Elin said and I stuck out my tongue. "She asks where Sabina and Manja is at and if they're joining us soon" Explained and I smiled. "They're joining us in four days, Helping us to finish moving hopefully" I said and smiled widely. 

We spent all day twitcaming never feeling like leaving. They were all so polite and nice. We answered a lot of questions. Most of them directed to Elin. My lemon cake turned out great and Elin stared at it for a good couple of minutes before she ate half of it. She laid down on the floor and closed her eyes before mumbling out. ''I'm... Full'' I gasped and laughed loudly at her. The rest if the cake we froze in and I texted Niall about it and didn't get anything back.

When it had ended and we sat outside on Niall's porch I smiled. There were defiantly not as good weather as the other days but it was fine. Four more days and the girls would come back to us. In two days we were going to move in. Shit.

My life had literally turned up side down and I was loving every little bit of it.

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