Chapter Eleven - Things Does't Last Forever

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Standing behind the stage then seeing the boys preform the song before their last song. Well the song before they would run out again and do WMYB and BSE. Anyways it was devastating. Because this is when I realized they were soon out of this country.

They would have the hole of tomorrow off but this still didn't mean that they could stay much longer. I didn't know which country was next but I figured it was some country close here as Denmark or Norway. Maybe we could. I let out a sigh. This wasn't permanent. I knew that. They're from England for gods sake.

Before I knew it The boys ran past us. It was their final change. The crowd was going wild and shouted for more. It was chaotic in a good way. I looked around seeing the girls cheering them on and being happy as ever.

Niall stopped in front of me before it was time to run back on stage. He was sweaty but a smile plastered on his face.

"What are you worrying about?" His first words were and I shook my head not being able to talk because I knew I would break down crying if I did. "Hey what's wrong" He spoke softly and embraced me. Worry clouding his blue orbs. I hugged him tightly breathing in as much of him as I could. Sure he was a little sweaty but it was still him. He was still here. I could still see him with my own eyes.

"Whatever you are worrying about, stop it, I really like you alright, nothing to worry about" He said and smiled a smile that made my knees go weak. He kissed me briefly before letting me go. "Now, if you excuse me I'm gonna finish a hell of a show now" He said and winked before running of to the boys that already were half up on stage.

I wasn't able to react I just touched my lips and looked after him. The kiss had been quick but so meaningful and it had actually calmed me down alot.

Sabina hugged me and I hugged her back. Maybe it had hit her too now?

"WE HERD YOU WANTED MOOOORREEE" Louis shouted in a voice as I only can describe as crazy. It's when his voice go raspy and it sounds like a cheery growl.

"Before we keep going I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone that came today and that it's thanks to you that we get to do all these amazing things, We love you crazy mofos!" Niall said and tears were streaming down my face.

Not necessarily because of what he had said but because it was beautiful. The way the room had been lit up with camera flash lights and he seemed so incredibly happy. With quiff sloping and everything.

"Yes you guys are the best! We also want to thank you Swedish fans especially, You've been here for us from day one and we couldn't thank you enough" Harry said glancing at Sabina that blew him a kiss giving him thumbs up.

After that WMYB started playing. My stomach dropped and the colour seemed to drain from my skin.

Confetti started raining down on the audience and I quickly snapped a picture of the hole scene. It was surreal. Such a beautiful moment in the saddest one. I have to admit I was being quite selfish. I mean loads of those fans out there came and this will be their only chance to see him. Somewhere in my mind I knew I would see Niall again. Even if it felt like it was impossible with so much against us.

I started to panic again. Niall leaving was horrible. I wanted to take him and hide him. To know that He wasn't in fact mine and that he could find someone else on tour because he forgot about me hurted more then anything else. Quick sips of air went down my lungs. I plastered a rather fake smile on my lips and looked determined at the stage. I'd survive. Damn he's not even my boyfriend! Snap out of it!

Everything moved fast after that. Suddenly I was in the boys dressing room. People were having happy chats and just playing around.

I assumed they didn't think of what was going to happen next.

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