Chapter TwentyEight - Surprise, Surprise

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We spent two days moving. Well there weren't much to move. Mum had helped me and sent over a few things. Other then that we had spent the majority of our time at Ikea and moving things from there to the apartment. 

Though we had spent the first few days just talking. Catching up and stuff like that. I had given up getting up late in the evening and got up by seven. Elin and I sat in the kitchen eating breakfast listening in to Nick's program. 

He mentioned us once. It kind of went down on him saying he had sold his place to Niall's girlfriend and that he hoped I was settling in well. And then I ran into the girls room and screamed my lungs off.... They now lock their door.

Today Sabina had taken the train to Gemma. Harry's sister had insisted on meeting Her while Sabina was in town. Sabina on the other hand was so nervous she was shaking. We had told her to come with but she shook her head and got something in her eyes and said she had to do it alone. 

Sabina going on meeting Gemma got me thinking about a few weeks forwards when I was supposedly meeting Niall's hole family. He was so incredibly exited while I was feeling a bit like if I was going to faint just by the thought of it. 

In a way I'm quite shy. Especially with people I want to impress. 

Anyways Sabina was off on her adventure to meet Harry's sister Gemma while Manja, Me and Elin would just chill out in the city. This ending up in us taking the tube to oxford street. The street is enormous and we are still going through every store finding new things. Or walking down small streets where it wasn't as chaotic. 

We walked around looking at the turist being completely lost. It was truly hilarious. 

As we were taking a break a guy in suit came over. It was quite full so we just assumed that he wanted to sit down and here was the only place left. It's no surprise really on the starbucks on oxford street there were always people. 

But then he didn't just sat down he turned to Elin with a bright smile. They guy was in his mid furties and if he would've been younger you'd think he was flirting with her. But no. He placed his fancy portfolio on the table.

For two seconds I thought he would sell us drugs or something.

But then. "Excuse me Miss but are you perhaps in the modeling business?" He asked with an extreme thick British accent. Elin kept eating and then Looked up at him and gave a small laugh. "You kiddin' ? no" She said and dug into her sandwhich yet again. 

He nodded and then opened his portfolio and started going through papers. 

"Even if you're not professional I'd love if you could come by... You'd be perfect for this shoot I'm doing in a couple of days" He said and handed over a paper to her. She glanced over at me and I nodded. I had told Elin a bunch of times that she would be perfect as a model. She had agreed but told me she never bothered to put on make up or such things. 

"I'd love to" She said politely and smiled. His face lit up and stood up reaching out his hand. She shook it and then he disappeared out on the street. What? Did that just happen? That's just weird.

Me, Elin and Manja burst out laughing. Nit by any particular joke or such just how funny the situation was. I thought about what Sabina would've thought if she was here. We'd have to tell her when she arrived home tonight. 

We walked around in the typical stores for another hour. We had to find some clothes for Elin. This resolving in me going around exited picking out different outfits and then pushing her into a dressing room. Which she was Okay with of course. 

Arriving home was a bit boring. Thought today we had agreed on trying out the grill. Niall had told us it was totally fine and that if we had any troubles we would just walk over to his neighbours and they would help us. 

The neighbours we had bumped into a couple of times. They were in their thirty's and were adorable. Thought they didn't like us very much. It took Elin and I a couple of days to realize Niall actually had neighbours. 

Anyways as We were preparing the grill one of the kids of the neighbours came running in.He stopped and stared at me before turning towards his house.  

"MUM SOMEONE IS ROBBING NIALLER" He shouted on the top of his lungs. No panic in it thought.

My heart literally melted to the grass and I couldn't even move. "CHRISTIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE? IT'S HIS GIRLFRIEND COME ON FOODS FINISHED!" Sophie shouted and the Boy gave a quick wave before running of and under the fench. 

In my head I saw Niall and the little boy play when he was home. It's just something about Guys and kids. It melts your heart. I walked into the house and told Elin and Manja what had happened and they laughed. 

Sabina came home just two minutes after the food was finished which for me was perfect. She was slightly out of breath but had a huge smile spread accross her face. I assumed it all had gone well and didn't want to hurry her to tell us what had happened as she will probably do that any minute. 

She threw her jacket on the shelf and sat down next to us.

"Gemma is so nice guys!" She burst out while taking up food on her plate. "We sat in her apartment and let just get something straight, that girl has taste!" She said and we laughed. "She gave me a little warning about breaking Harry's heart but You know I expected that" Sabina said and I nodded. "Anyways turns out we have alot in common, she's so sweet and nice and god!!" She said and sighed. We laughed and smiled. 

Sabina talked for ten minutes straight and I started to wonder how in hell she got air down to her lungs. I was incredibly happy that the meet up was a success. 

"So what did you guys do today?" She asked and Elin grinned. "I became a model" Elin and Sabina spat her water in her face in which me and Manja burst out laughing. "WHAT?!" After coughing a couple of a few times she burst out and Manja nodded. "This guy wanted her in a shoot" She said and I nodded. "So tomorrow I'm having a photoshoot" Elin said while wipping off the water of her face. 

"That's fantastic! What time?" Sabina asked. "Around Eleven and it's for... Elle?" Elin asked looking up from the paper. My mouth fell open and only Elin would not know what that magazine was. I threw a potato on her which she coached and stuck out her tongue out at me. "That's like.. not even supermodels get to be in that magazine!" Sabina said taking the paper out of Elin's hands examining it. 

"One He didn't say I was actually going to model, two I'm fabulous of course they are going to let me model" She said and we laughed. 

We spent the rest of the evening by just sitting in the garden talking. I was happy when days ended like that. It felt safe in a way. But at night like this I could start missing Niall again. Four weeks had soon past. We were at the last week. Three days left to be precise. 

The weeks had flown by but it was probably because we had, had so much to do. This period of time had shown me that it was very possible for me to have a long distance relationship. It worked perfect. 

Well good enough. 

For some reason I couldn't really sleep this night. I just rolled around thinking about all these things that was happening. I say this alot but My life was so different now. I had been bullied alot when I was younger and If someone would've told me what was going to happen when I was younger I would'nt have believed then for four pence.

When the clock had past 3 I was fast asleep. Finally. 

Then I felt the other side of the bed buckle down. My breath hitched and I became stiff. Someone was in the bed.

Who?! Was it a robber? What was I going to do? Would it be good to scream?

As I was practically panicking this person placed his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. The smell of Niall's calone hit me and I smiled and turned around. There he was. My personal angel. 

"Hey baby, Surprise" He whispered and kissed me. 

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