Chapter TwentyFive - Coping

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When I woke up I could smell Niall. Last night had ended quite early. Me and Elin watched some tv and then just went to bed. I had totally forgot to call Niall so when I picked up my phone it had a bunch of missed calls. 

I quickly pressed call and hoped I didn't wake him up. 

"Nialler" He answered and I giggled.


"Yes" I answered and laughed. Something about him made me giggly. Do not judge. "Where have you been? I've been worried as fuck" He said and my smile fell. "Sorry Ni we were really tired yesterday and I just forgot, please forgive me" I said and he chuckled in the other end. "As long as you are alright, I'm fine" He said and I let out a breath. 

I stood up and walked up to one of the massive windows. The sun was shining bright behind the curtains. London looked stunning in the morning. I was so happy to be here. To be home. He was the only thing that I missed. 

"You're meeting up with Lewis at one, don't be late he's this maniac that goes insane if you come just a minute late" Niall said and I laughed. "I won't be late, Promise... SHIT! Clock's eleven! I have no time! I'll call you tonight! Love you" I said and I could hear him laughing in the other end.

"Don't forget this time, love you more

Before I had the chance to tell him it was nonsense he had hung up. I took to twitter to do so instead. After that I strolled into his bathroom. He had his own bathroom. I sighed and rolled my eyes on the silliness of mine. 

In the shower he had a radio in which went on by itself when I walked in. I couldn't turn it off so I jest left it on. On the radio they talked about the sports and the new music coming up. So incredibly calming and I got why Niall have had it installed. 

When I was finished I walked down to Elin. I found her in the kitchen with four different cups with four seemingly different cereal with them. 

"Good Morning Sweetie" Elin said and tossed me a cup of tea. The only thing we didn't have to buy was the tea. Niall had an hole cabinet full of it. Thankfully my favourite tea, Yorkshire Tea, was in the front and easy to grab. 

I explained to Elin what was going to happen next. We looked up the tubes and how we would get to the place we were heading to. It was easier then we had expected and were five minutes early. Thankfully so was The Lewis guy.

He was really nice and he showed off the huge apartment. The only problem was the prize. We told him we would think about it but in fact we would not. We moved on to meet a Steve who would show another apartment far out from London. I didn't like how far away it was. It was the perfect size thought. 

We kept going all day but the apartments were wrong. They weren't the right thing. When we had lost all hope and went to the last appointment it was with a guy named Nick. It was in Camden. A place in London i really like. It has a very special feeling about it. it's not to far from the inner either. 

"He's late" Elin said and I nodded. Usually I hate when people are late. But lately I had been so I didn't feel like blaming this Nick guy. It was hot outside today as well so there weren't much of  problem. Suddenly I freeze. 

Elin turn to the direction I'm staring at. Nick Grimshaw is there. Holly shit. What should I do? I literally start to panic especially as he starts to walk towards us. What did I do? I slam my eyes onto the ground and hope for the best. 

"Sorry I'm late! Gosh the traffic is horrible" He said and something clicked in my head. I'm going to kill Niall. "Oh no it's fine, we haven't waited that long" Elin said and I nod quickly. We hadn't only been waiting ten minutes. He nods and take up a key from his pocket. 

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