Chapter TwentyFour - Back To Black

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We left early in the morning. Somewhere in the back of my head blurred images of This Is Us poped up. The scene when they all go their seperate ways home. The same kind of scene was right now. Sabina, Manja, Me and Elin. We stood watching at the screen that would show where me and Elin were headed and where Sabina and Manja was. 

For the first time in weeks we would be separated for real. We wouldn't be able to just run to the other if we felt like it. Thankfully we weren't one by one, we still had a friend with ut. We weren't totally alone. 

Our gate pops up and Elin and I turn to them. I don't want to leave them. Niall and the lads we had said goodbye to earlier. We didn't want them to come to the airport incase fans would be here or something like that. It was safer for them to stay. 

"I'm going to miss you guys" I whispered embracing Sabina. Sabina is the one that always cries and if she does so do I. "My little Emmis" Sabina said and hugged me tighter. "Be safe alright?" I whispered and she nodded. "Love you like if you were my sister Sabina" I sniffled. Leaving them behind was heartbreaking. 

"Stop being so melodramatic, it's just two weeks" Elin said and Manja hit her. "Shh let them be" She said and Elin just said a high pitched 'What did I do?!'. 

"If you feel like you need a talk don't hesitate to call, You to Manja" I said and let go of Sabina and Embraced her. In the corner of my eye I saw Sabina hugging Elin tight and Elin's hole face softened. We let go of each other and ran off to our flights. 

After the thing with Harry it just felt more wrong leaving them behind. It was like we weren't finished just yet. We had talked this morning but Sabina hadn't told us what was wrong. Soon enough we would find out. 

Elin and I sat down in out seats. England again. The key around my neck just seemed alot heavier. Why were I so nervous. Niall had hocked me up with a few apartments for yesterday and then a few more through out the week. Though the goal was that I would find one as quickly as possible. 

As the plane lifted I felt my worries go away just as they always did. 

I slept for a solid hour of the flight. Elin and I sat talking about where we would like to have an apartment and which kind of design. I don't think we had any special taste or such we wanted a little apartment to make our own. 

"Excuse me" Someone said and I turned slightly to find a girl in our age. She seemed slightly nervous and I nodded showing she had my attention. "You look an awful lot like these girls... and I ehm.. I don't know" She mumbled and Elin smiled. "I'm Elin nice to meet you" Elin said and the girl's eyes widened. Her mouth dropped open a little and I thought why not make it a little worse. "I'm Emma" I said giving her a quick wave. 

She stood there and blinked a couple of times. The seat next to us were empty so I moved our stuff so she would be able to sit there. 

"You can sit next to us if you want" I said and the girl looked at the seat. She was clearly fighting herself if she should sit down or not. "I'm a one direction fan" She blurted and then threw her hand over her mouth. I smiled widely. "So am I! What's your favourite song?" I said and that seemed to do it for her. 

The girl that we got to know as Lora sat down next to me. She told us happily that she was a huge fan and that she respected us and that she didn't want to disturb at all. Lora was a total sweetie and she told us so openly about the fandom and what we had missed.

She was a part of some update account and told us she wouldn't write anything on there about what we talked about if we didn't feel comfortable with it. Some, or a lot of parts I didn't care if she wrote about but when it came to mine and Niall's relationship I asked her not to share with the public. 

"It's so cute that you flew down and surprised him" She said and sighed dreamily. "Long distance is crap I tell you... but it goes, I'll see him right before the Toronto shows in England" I said and she lit up with a smile. 

We sat there talking until the plane landed. The hours had sprung by and it actually felt sad leaving her. She gave us her number and said we could call at any time. I would defiantly say she's a new friend. Lora would be in London for a week and we promised we'd meet up and just take a coffeé before she goes home. Home being Manchester.

It midday when we arrived and we headed to Nando's first. Mostly because I had missed Nodno's almost as much as I had missed OASIS. OASIS being a fruity drink that is heaven if you ask me. After finishing the Nando's it was time finding Niall's apartment. 

We hired a cab as we decided tomorrow would be the day to find the closest tube station. 

I felt so home in this city. London is my dream. The people, the lights, the parks, everything. The taxi driver was a Pearl talking happily about this one time he drove a celebrity. He also told us where we was heading and that it was a rumour that 'One of those one direction lads' lived there. Elin and I had to hold each other down not to burst out laughing. 

The taxi stopped. There it was. The apartment building looked modern. Black on the outside with a pale wooden door. Elin gave me a pat on the back and walked out of the Taxi. I walked out of the cab and breathed in. The small street were adorable and I understood why he had chosen to live there. 

We payed off the taxi and took our luggage and walked towards the door. I unhooked the key and opened. Heart almost stopping in the process. So nervous. It's just a house calm down. 

The door went up and we walked in. The hall was white and very clean. It looked like nobody had been there for months which I guess is true. Nobody had been there for a good couple of months. The house smelled closed even if it was summer. 

Even if Niall hadn't been there for months I still found two or three hoodies thrown in the hall. Not on top of each other just one here, one there. A smile creeped onto my lips. Slowly I pulled of my shoes and started walking around. 

Elin walked right in crashing in an ungraceful way in the sofa. 

I had seen this apartment in pictures but it didn't do it's justice. It was classy but homey all at the same time. It was less homey then I would prefer it but it was Niall. I walked into the kitchen finding his teas and cups. On the fridge you could fins small notes and some drawings. 

On the shelves I found family pictures and pictures of him and his friends. I wasn't snooping, I swear, I was just seeing my boyfriends apartment for the first time. So curious. It was him. It almost felt as if I was getting to know him on a deeper level now. I let out a breath. 

Then turned to the right. To the big glass doors that led to his garden. Out there I could find a grill and some chairs and a fireplace. I opened the doors to fresh air would be allowed into the house. Well apartment. 

I left the bedroom to last. Mostly because it felt like such a secret. It was so personal. I know he told me over and over again that I had' to sleep in his bed. He wanted me to. He wanted me to get to know him. The real one. 

It was so important to him. 

I opened the door slowly, slowly. The closet door was opened and clothes were thrown to here and there. Inside the closet I could spot a wall of snapbacks. Of course a few of them were missing. I smiled and walked further in. The bed was placed onto the right side and I gasped. 

Behind the bed was an amazing panting. I could spot mic's, Cd's and other kinds of records. It was breathtaking looking out. In my head I could almost hear him, I could almost feel the kiss to my cheek.In my head all that went through was .

He's not off to war! stop crying!

I could hear the TV being on and I was slightly surprised that Elin had figured out how to put it on. The sound calmed me down and I brushed the tears of with my shirt. 

I walked out to Elin who looked up. 

"We need to go grocery shopping... think I spotted a tesco not long from here" I said and she turned the TV off and got up. Two weeks. You can do this. 

It was all back to black. 

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