Chapter ThirtyFour - Some Things Never Change

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The news about my promise ring hit the news the same day but really blew up the day after so when I woke up my twitter app wouldn't even let me go in there. After a few minutes of pure rage to the twitter app I gave up and decided just to let the app sleep for a few hours... or days.

Niall had left early this morning to record some music together with Harry so Sabina and I had decided to just be at Harry's place until the boys finished off. I hadn't been at Harry's and I creepily knew how to get there. Don't ask silly questions.

I sat down in the kitchen and ate my breakfast watching E! News. As long as Niall was in town, aka just a taxi away I felt okay watching the blaber news. When I was younger I had enjoyed the E! news much more then I did now. Mostly because you just feel bad for all those people they talk trash about.

My jaw hit the floor when a picture of me and Niall poped up on the tv. The picture was taken a few weeks back when I had tweeted a picture of us. He stood there with his arm around my waist both smiling so wide. I could almost not recognize myself.

The girl with a slight blush on her cheeks and a smile so wide her teeth were showing. That girl that had a handsome guy wrapped around her that looked smilingly into the camera... that couldn't be me.

"Niall Horan sent the most clear message last night that his relationship with three years younger girlfriend Emma Stroemberg is getting serious" I giggled a little bit. Why do they make it sound like I'm a serial killer?

"The promise ring was first mistaken for being an engagement ring but was quickly straightened up by some of their friends, The engagement topic have been surrounding the couple for a good couple of weeks and this is a sign that it is actually going that way! yay for the Nemma shippers"

"Moving on to another 1D guy's relationship Harry Styles seems to have wrapped his girl around his finger, She's always with him and the fans seems to go mad about this" 

I laughed as they started talking about another celebrity couple. Before that I sent out a tweet about the hole situation and that I hoped everyone was okay this fine day.

As I looked the door I spotted three girls standing outside the gate. Quickly I brought my hood up and tried my best to look like someone else. Niall's apartment had been hidden for years, No one knew where he lived. I kind of screamed at myself in my head because I had taken Niall's hoodie.

Thankfully the girls didn't seem to recognize me and as I walked away I herd 'I told you he doesn't live here' which made me breath out and put my head phones in as I walked down to the tube. Niall had explained to me how I had to change line twice to get to Harry's.

Sitting on the tube was so peaceful especially when you sit in the one at the front because no one ever bothers going that far forward. When the right station finally poped up I rose from the chair and got out. I started counting the streets trying to remember how many I was going to walk past.

Then Harry's gigantic white house poped up and I walked with fast steps towards it. Outside was a couple of fans and I sneaked past them and Sabina let me indoors. Harry's house is alot more homey that Niall is.

Sabina led me into the kitchen where teas and biscuits were laid out on a trait. The kitchen was modern but homey with dark, old wood and a nice rugh. There were a few vintage things and he had really put thought into everything.

Me and Sabina sat down and started talking about all these things. She told me about how Harry had brought her along to meet Lux and Tom and that they went to dinners and the Teasdales. She told me about how Lux loved her and that she couldn't wait to meet the hole Styles family this weekend.

"Can you imagine just like a few months ago we were planning on just going to see the boys... and now we practically lives with them" Sabina said and I nodded closing my eyes.

"I'M COMING HOME BABES!" Sabina shouts and my speakers make a rugh sound. Give them credit they're ligit over twenty years old. "So basically I thought we'll just right after the show head for the buses and just follow them" Sabina said and Elin looked at me. "I literally JUST got my drivers license I'd be glad if I could keep it" She said and Sabina laughed. "We'll be safe bro" She said.

"When will you land and will you come down in between or do we meet up, up there?" I asked. "I'll be down so I'll go with you up" She said and I nodded.

The flash back had hit me so suddenly and I smiled. "Feels like yesterday honestly" I whispered and Sabina nodded her head. "I don't think either Harry or Niall, or Louis for that mater really gets it... like they just went along not knowing who we were but we knew them" She said and She's completely right.

"I talked to dad on skype yesterday and I promised I'd take Harry with me home next time... the thing is I don't know if It will be possible, you know" She said and looked down in her tea. "I know, From a fan's point of view you just know that they're busy just not how busy they actually are" I said and she nodded.

"Medhi is especially keen on meeting Niall... Mum's all cool and calm but Medhi seems to have taken the fathers roll dad never took" I said and Sabina placed a hand on my shoulder. "I said I'd take him with me for a weekend home in a few months but you never know with Niall, one day he could be free, one day he has promo in japan" I said and sighed.

Sabina sighed as well but then giggled. "Still we love them to death" She said with that sparcle in her eye. "Of course" I said and laughed. "You haven't shown the ring NOR said how he gave it to you! SPILL!" She said and basically pulled my hand over the table to her lap.

"Well, he told me that with this he promise to stay committed to me until I felt otherwise... which will never happen" I said and smiled at my little ring. "we sat in the backyard as usual and I sat in his lap and we just talked" I said and Sabina looked at me. "That doesn't sound to romantic" She said and I chuckled. "I guess not... the most important thing was the ring and yeah" I said shrugging a bit.

Sabina studied the ring just like I had done the first time I saw it. As she did the boys walked into the apartment. They talked laudly about something I couldn't really come by.

"EMMA!" Niall's eyes were lit up like stars and he scooped me up from my sitting position. "You've missed me?" I giggled and he laughed into my neck. "You think" he mumbled. In the corner of my eyes I could see Harry embracing his girlfriend. 

Sabina and Harry were almost like an old married couple. If I would describe them to someone that didn't know them and then ask them how old they thought they were they would probably say like 60 and been arrived for thirty years or something. 

Niall gave me a peck on the lips and sat me down on my chair again. 

"We were just talking about the ring" I said to Niall and he nodded. "I have to say you have quite a good taste Horan" Sabina said and Harry Looked at her. "You haven't seen my taste yet" He said and Sabina rolled her eyes. "You could make me a ring out of twigs and rocks and I'd love it so stop competing" She said and I burst out laughing. 

We decided to play a game of monopoly and watch celebrity juice. Harry and I made food later on as we were the cooks even thought Niall is actually really a great one too. Niall and Sabina sat talking and planning my eighteenth birthday that actually weren't to far away suddenly. 

I really dreaded this day and wanted it to be tomorrow all at once. I didn't want to grow up but I really wanted to be able to travel as I wanted. Ever since I was 17 Sabina and the girls had planned this crazy as birthday for me. Now when niall was included it all got crazier. 

Who knew what they will do?

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