Chapter Twentyone - Let's Skip To The Good Bit

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Perrie Edwards. She walked in next to Elin that was talking Happily with her. Then Elin turned and Noticed Sabina dn frowned. 

As Perrie walked in Sabina was already on her feet. Elin groaned again loudly and facepalmed as Sabina stopped in front of Perrie. Perrie smiled widely as Sabina suddenly seemed to have lost words. 

Then she opened her mouth. "Oh My God! You're like a real life barbie" She blurted and Perrie laughed and patted her on the shoulder smiling. SHe didn't seem bother at all. "You're Sabina right?" Perrie said and Sabina opened and closer her mouth trying to form words.

Elin stepped forward and Looked at Sabina. "Ehm... Yeah that's her" Elin said and studied Sabina that looked like she was about to faint. I walked over and Manja was right in front of me. I felt shy and didn't really know what to say. 

Perrie seemed to know thought.

"It's you!" She said and pointed at me. "Yeah that's Emma" Elin pointed out and Perrie shook her head. "You're the girl with the Swedish flag at that gig in Ireland aren't you?" She said and stepped in front of me. I couldn't more then nod. Please say she doesn't reamember me bawling to Change Your Life.

"You kept the purple hair! it suits you well" She said and I blushed. Perrie likes my hair. Oh Dear, Oh Dear. "Thank you... But do you really remember me... how embarrassing" I said and blushed a deeper shade of red. You'd think this wasn't possible but it was. 

She laughed happily and by now Sabina was leaning onto Elin, hyperventilating. Elin was casually patting her back letting her breath through a bag. Perrie turned to Sabina smiling widely not helping Sabina to breath thought. Her smile fell and looked concerned at her.

"I was going to ask if you were alright but you're obviously not... gosh Harry's going to kill me" She said and looked worriedly at Sabina. Sabina looked up at her and breathed a shaky breath. "You're amazing" She breathed and Perrie giggled and hugged her. 

At one point in the hugg I was 100% sure she was going to colaps into Perrie but she kept standing. I was impressed Sabina didn't. Elin had as quickly as she could moved to the food table. Perrie released Sabina and by now Sabina was breathing calmly smiling weakly. 

"I swear to god Elin eats more then me and that's like impossible" Perrie broke the silence and sat down in one of the couch's and I laughed. "Get used to it... it's kinda how I met Niall... It's weird" I said and Elin stuck out her tongue. 

"I herd! Elin told me all about you guys" Perrie said, Sabina sending Elin death glares. "Niall seems quite smitted with you and Harry's head over heels for you Sabina" Perrie said and Sabina had lost words again. "I can't imagine anyone else then him, I'm thankful he's mine" I said trying my best not to sound to possesive or such.

We don't get much more time then that to talk with Perrie because Zayn, Josh, Louis, Harry and Niall walks in. Harry almost run up to Sabina.

"What happened babe, you look pale" He said and studies his girlfriend closely. She hides her face in his chest and grumble something for us unhearable. "Sabina was about to collapse when she met Perrie" Elin explained from the other side of the room by the food.

"But didn't so you owe me ten bucks" Elin said turning to Louis. Sabina looked up and glared at Louis. "You bet on me?!" She growled through her teeth. "Oh babe we just wanted some fun don't be mad" Louis said and patted her head. Harry laughed and kissed the top of her head. "You're the cutest honey" He said and just like that Sabina melted and hugged her boyfriend tightly. 

Niall walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"We just had to walk in saying good bye, We have a few radio interviews before the show so I'll come by right before the show alright?" He said and kissed me deeply and I held him close. Quickly I lost track of time and my existence in the kiss and to early he let me go. He gave me a smile and walked out with the Boys and Perrie. 

Somewhere in my head I wondered where Perrie were headed but it was soon gone. Sabina jumped beside me and grabbed my arm. HARD.

"PLEASE SAY YOU USED PROTECTION" She basically shouted in my ear. I rubbed my ear and blushed. "None of that embarrassing shit Emma! This is serious business!" Sabina said and Manja nodded. "Was he any good?" Elin asked and I laughed nervously. 

I shifted a little. "How do you even know we had sex" I asked and Sabina stared at the Hickey on my neck. "With a hickey that big it's obvious, Either you had sex or he's an leech" Sabina said and I sighed. "Plus I herd you through the wall... either he's good or you deserve an Oscar" Elin said and my ears heat up. "Fine" I groan. 

Elin walks over and sit down on the floor in front of me and Sabina and Manja turn their full attention towards me. This wasn't going to be awkward... Not at All. 

"Would it be bragging if I said he's absolutely amazing in bed?" I asked. Good way to start. "Not bragging" Sabina said as she realized it was actually an question. "We did not use condom. Let me tell you it took it all to another level, holly shit" I said and Sabina was literally starring at me.

As I was about to continue she cut me off. "ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU COULD BE MOTHERTRUCKING PREGERS?!" She shouted at me. "No I'm on the pill, I'm not stupid" I said and laughed as She fell back in the sofa breathing relived. "I was seriously wondering there" She said and I stuck out my tongue. 

"You'd think he's gentle but I'm actually sore... he's quite the mashine" I said and they laughed. 

The conversation went on until the show. You'd think that Elin would feel left out but she loved getting the inside scoop like this. I guess it's like they say. Girl's tell each other everything.

We walked arm in arm to the back stage area that you actually could see the stage from and where most of the crew that wanted to watch the show were. Perrie stood there and so Did soe other people from the crew. Right before the show was going to start Niall and the boyfriends ran over. 

Niall looked piffed up to it's maximum and looked hotter then ever. If I'm honest I wanted to grab his hand and run for the exit finding the nearest room but you know... you can't do everything you want. 

"You look extremely hot" I blurted and He smirked pressing me harder against his chest. "Keep the thought" He whispered against my lips and kissed me. More like snogged me. "Now rock that stage Baby!" I said and gave him a quick peck on the lips before nudging him in the direction Josh had took of. 

Soon enough they were on stage. 

The speech was right before Better Then Words and I smiled. Niall turned to me. First telling the stadium exactly what he tells all the other stadiums and countries. Then he smirked. "This next song is defiantly one of my favourites... Also My girlfriends favourite" He said and the music started playing while Harry shouted. "CHEEKY!" Across the stage. 

He mimed Liam's first verse and so did I. This was one of my favourites and he knew that well. I danced and the girls were laughing at me. The spotlight dimmed at him when his solo came up. Which hadn't happen in the other concerts and I bet on my soul that the light people were playing a prank on him.

"Best I ever Had, Hips don't lie" He sang and liked his lips. "You make me want to 'tss' one more night" He smiled widely not letting my eyes go one second. "You're irresistible, Crazy, We're crazy AO" He sang and I blew a kiss at him. He had changed the lyrics a little and it made my heart melt. 

Harry tributes Half a Heart to Sabina and she bloody died. Perrie stood with us talking ahppily between the songs. The concert went on and soon it was over. The boys passed us and almost ran into their showers. 

We girls sat outside discussing the weather almost.

When they came out we went back to the Hotel and finally I had my Niall back. My Niall. I could get used to that. 

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