Chapter ThirtyTwo - Just Say Yes

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"Oh did you hear about this new site 1D Breaking News?" Louis asked bitterness dripping from the words. I shook my head so did the others in the group except Eleanor. "It's the creepiest site yet" Louis said and I searched on my phone for it. 

"This journalist literally keeps track of everything we do, Even the girls and our families... it's sickening" Louis said as the site finally finished loading. The header was of the boys but had a couple of different pages you could click in on. As in girlfriend news and Family news. I kept scrolling on the site and it was like it had collected all the rumors on one site. 

"Engaged and Moved in, Nemma moves fast" Niall read out over my shoulder. "What?! I thought we had settled that?" I said turning around to Niall and he let out a heavy sigh. "The best one yet must be 'Eleanor fakes pregnancy to keep Louis around'" Eleanor said and Louis eyes shrinks. "Nutcases, Literally garbage all of them" Louis said and he actually sounded scary. 

On the site I read a couple of other rumors and articles. It wasn't all garbage thought the rumors were. I think the idea was good but the finished product was a bit off. On the site you could find what the boys wore and things they liked. Which were smart to keep everything on the same site. The rumors just made it bad.

"Anne band Harry from Dating Sabina due to her bad influence" Sabina read out and she looked panicked at Harry who snatched the phone out of her hands. "Mum loves you" He said and cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently. Her face relaxed and a smiled cracked onto her face. 

Two seconds later Elin joins the room again and Louis stands to his feet. "Time to go" He said with a bright smile. "Tilde's flight lands in an hour, I swear to god Louis if we are one minute late I'll throw your tea out" Elin said as she had been nagging him for forty minutes that it was time to leave. 

Tilde is one of our friends as well. She was flown in by Louis so Elin wouldn't feel so Alone in Doncaster as I couldn't come along, Thought Johanna, Louis mum, wanted me and Niall to desperately. 

"We wont be a second late, promise! chill out lil sister" Louis said and Elin looked at him with a brow up. "Lil sister? What the fuck is that? I'm actually taller then you" She said and we others burst out laughing. I stood up and Hugged Elin tightly. This would be the first time ine what? three months? We would be apart. For once it didn't feel as bad. It felt like we were going to be fine. 

I hugged Louis and Eleanor good bye so as Sabina and Harry as they were going as well. They were of course not leaving London until next morning but they were going out to meet up with some of Harry's friends. 

As I stood there cleaning up after the hole tea party I just started crying. Why I didn't really know. Maybe because it felt like I was growing up. In a way growing apart from my friends. Not that Elin, Sabina and Manja hadn't had friends that I didn't know of before. Just that it was in a much greater scale this time.

I knew we would always be friends. We would just not see each other as often as we had done the last couple of years. It felt a bit like the end of an eara. As I stood there hugging the life out of Niall's tea pot Niall comes in.

He rushes to my side asking a billions of questions that I can't really answer. Because I don't know what's happening and I don't know how to prevent it from happening. Maybe I'm just a bit melodramatic maybe not. 

Mosh arrived at their usual time and me, Niall, Manja and josh sat in the garden with the fire lit just talking. Josh and Niall talked about recording some bits and bobs. As Manja told me about the place they were heading for their vacation.

"So when will you be back in Sweden?" Manja asked and I bit my lip. "Nineteenth of August" I said and Niall nodded. "That's like... a day before school starts.. how are you going to manege the jet lag?" She asked and I shrugged. "It'll go" I said and laughed half heartedly. "You nutter" She said and hugged me. It was already July and we had two weeks until It was time for me and Niall to be in Toronto for the American leg of their tour.

The year had past so quickly. You might find me annoying now as it's not even authum yet but in my head everything moved so quickly that it felt like it. I was even turning eighteen soon. What the hell?! Sigh.

Manja and Josh left not to long after that and I walked to sit by Niall's laptop. 

Just browsing youtube videos as always. I did that a tad bit to much if you asked Niall. All these youtubers made videos going on and on about the one d boys and I just couldn't stop watching them. I was to fascinated of what they thought about all of this. 

As I was doing so I tweeted about it and I tweeted the youtubers and everything like that. Just like any other person I guess. But there was a difference. They reacted as if Niall had tweeted them. Thought Niall kinda did as he was sitting next to me watching the videos. 

In all the excitement I had tweeted A couple of them. Later on realizing that they were following me and that I could instead DM them. Which hadn't occurred to me before. 

All in caps I tweeted them saying that we should 'defo' aka defiantly hook up and do a colab or something. In my head I knew this wouldn't happen as there were thousands and thousands of girls that wanted the same. But yet it was thousands even millions that wanted Niall and he was mine. So maybe I had a chance. 

The luck was with me and Tanya so as Alfie, Olli and Dan answered with each different funny answers. After they had answered they sent me DM about how we would make it happen. 

Tanya: So how long are you in London?

Emma: This week out, going out of the country for a month or so after that

Emma: Is it impossible to make the colab this week?

Tanya: Absolutely not! The others have talked to me an maybe we could all meet up at the youtube space at Google headquarters? 

Emma: Which day? Wednesday and Thursday I'm away on business

Tanya: We could come down tomorrow if that works with you? 

Emma: YES! That sounds fantastic! I can't wait! :D

Tanya: Me either! The guys and I are really exited :) 

I walked out to Niall who were sitting in on of the chairs outside. It was getting more chilly outside so he had a blanket wrapped around him while the fire was making some noises. He had that face again where I knew he was thinking hard about something. Of course this made me start to rethink everything I had done today. 

"I'm going into London tomorrow to meet some people" I broke the silence and he looked up. "can I come along?" He asked and a smile appeared on my face. "Do you really need to ask?" I said and he chuckled opening his blanket embrace to pat his lap. I sat myself down and he wrapped the blanket around us. 

"Even now I miss you" He mumbles suddenly and I turn to watch his eyes. "Sometimes it just scares me how attached I am to you, How you change every cell in me, that every time you speak you get me at you mercy" He said it slowly almost as if he was in pain but the warmth and happiness were shining through. I hugged him a little tighter and kissed his jaw. 

"I was alone for so long I was wondering if I was actually going to find someone... or if it was anything for me" Niall said and sighed. "Do you know that it still pains me how rude I was to you that first time we met?" He said and the pain through his voice sent me shivers down my spine. "Niall, My silly Niall" I whispered and stroke his cheek. Scruffy.

"That's long forgotten... I don't even remember much of it to be honest" I said and then looked down. "But I remember that you walk to stand by me instead of Louis when everybody was introducing themselves to Elin... I remember how happy it made me, how... How I never wanted you to leave me" I whispered and he was smiling so wide. His eyes was no longer watching mine. They were glued onto my lips.

He took a deep breath and giggled. "I remember the first time I kissed you... and how nervous I was, I didn't want to scare you away" He said and I laughed loudly. "That's not possible" I said confidently and he rolled his eyes. "You haven't met me family" He said and now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "if they're 1% of how you are I'm going to be fine" I said and he chuckled and kissed my lips. 


Niall was quiet for a while after speaking my name. I could feel him taking a shaky breath. 

"Would You Like Too Marry Me?"


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