Chapter Two - I Have Some Bad And Good News

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My heart stopped. Or I stopped breathing. I think it's the same. Elin of course didn't notice as she was eating chicken wings. I got slapped into the reality again and Niall had been trying to contact me for a few minutes. I realized that I was lying on the floor and that pain was shooting all over my head. 

"Hey are you okay? Hello? You in there?" Niall was by now rambling. Elin had turned around now chewing on her wing smiling. "Hell that hurt" I groaned and held my hand on my head trying to sit up. "You're alive!" He examined and stood up as he had been hovering over me. Which I for the record did not complain about. 

"Wait what are you doing in here?" He asked when I sat down in one of the sofas with a cold drink pressed onto my head. "Long story short that girl with the chicken wing is Louis' sister" I said. "What? No no no Louis have four sisters that's all" Niall said and shook his head. "Again long story Horan" I said and groaned again because my pain.

"Yeah yeah but you better tell me that story before I kick you out" He said dangerusly low. I had never thought of Niall as a scary guy. But damn with those new mucles and that voice it made sense now. "I just realized how this looks.. take it easy alright?" I said as calm as my voice would let me. Elin was calmly eating her chicken wings in peace. 

"You're brash all of you" He said and glared at me. It made me want to hide. Somewhere in a corner in the dark. "You fans think you own us, that you can do whatever you like, it's ridicelous" He muttered angirly. 

I realized this wasn't piritcally about me or Elin for that matter the fans had been hard on the boys lately and I don't blame him for accting this way. I would to if Fans were hidding in bins for him. They get such a small portion of privacy as it is and here he probably think we broke in here invading it even more. 

"ButSorry for walking right into you" Niall said and scratched the back of his neck. "It's fine you would just know the bad luck I have, I'm used to this" I said and sighed. "We are really not breaking in... Winston let us in.. and She, ELIN FOR GOD SAKE STOP EATING!" I shouted at her getting slightly annoyed. "Why Should I?! Give me a real reason?" She shouted and kept eating.

"Elin is really one of Louis' half sisters... Wait for Winston he'll confirm it for you" I said and looked at him with my best, please I'm a lost puppy, look. He sighed and realaxed a little. "Sorry for shouting at you" He mumbled and sat down in one of the sofas. "I know... it's been tense... I'm sorry" I mumbled in respons. He gave me a breif nod. 

We stood and sat in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't really that tense. For once I was happy Elin kept eating. 

Suddenly Niall stands up and walks up to Elin. "Well Hi then, I'm Niall" He said and put his hand out. She laughed. "if you want it like that, Sure Hi Niall I'm Elin" Elin said and shook his hand.

"You Have Louis' eyes" He said and nodded. "I guess" She said and took another bite of the wing. "But it's actually my dads eyes... Well our dad" She said and he nodded. "So where is your dad?" Niall asked and Elin was about to ask but Winston came in with Louis in tow so she dropped it. 

"I told you to stay" Winston groaned when he walked into the dressing room. "It got boring" Elin said and shrugged. I was kinda in shock again and was thankful for sitting down.

Niall walked up to Winston, not notecing Louis. "Is it true what they're saying?" Niall asked suspisucly. He gave Niall a quick nod before letting Louis past him. Shock was written accross Niall's intire face and he gave Louis a sad smile in which Louis returned. 

"Niall, Wintson do you mind?" Louis asked and both left the room without protesting. 

The room was left in silence. 

"Okay this is obviously awkward for both parts so I guess I'll take the lead" I said and stood up. Elin shot me a thankfull smile. "So Louis here's the deal... Okay not deal but story... or I don't know" I said and pulled some of the letters up. 

Louis eyes were glued onto the letters. 

"Your dad wanted to meet you, but your mother never let him" Louis was about to pretest but I quickly went on. "Until it was to late" I said and he was left as a question mark. "What do you mean to late?" He asked. 

Elin shifted uncomftorably. "I'm sorry that we have to tell you this.. but... Dad died" Elin said and placed a hand on his arm. He looked her straight in the eyes as to look if she was lying. "He wanted to meet you he really did" Elin said and I could see tears starting to build up. "I never knew but mum told me all these stories about how he tried and Johanna wouldn't let him meet you" She said and Louis started crying. 

It was weird to see this tattooed guy that always was in a good mood always joking about in tears. She hugged him and he hugged her back. "I'm sorry" Elin kept rambling on. 

He let her go and in a disguisting way stroke his nose with the hem of his shirt. "When? How late was she?" He asked. "I was three so I guess you were seven" She said and nodded. "You were three?" He asked shocked. She nodded. "It was worse for Jonathan... He wasn't even one" She mumbled an looked down. 

Soon enough Louis started to ask questions. Much of them that Elin could answer. She had brought a few pictures and one of his old sports shirt. He pulled it over his head and wouldn't change from the shirt. 

"Louis he loved you even if he hadn't known you" She said and smiled. "Thanks... Thank you for coming here it was nice of you" He said and smiled. "I can't believe I have a brother now" He said and I burst out laughing. 

It might not have been the smoothest move as they had forgot I was in the room. Well Elin hadn't as she kept squeezing my hand. 

"Wait who are you?" He asked. "Oh that's Emma! My clumsy yet funny but weird best friend" She said like it was the most obvious thing in the hole wide world. I have to admit it felt like that. "Oh... I... Why isn't jonathan with you?" He asked. 

"Some sort of soccer match I think" She said and shrugged. "He's into soccer?!" He asked shocked. "Duh" She said and laughed. "You got your soccer skills from dad Louis" She said and smiled. "You play soccer?" Louis asked her and she burst out laughing. "Nope, Don't have the patients but I guess it's entertaining to watch" She said and shrugged. 

With that Winston came into the room looking bothered. 

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