Chapter Four - Things Are Easy To Forget Alright?!

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  • Dedicated to MY GIRLS

Without noticing, the music had died down a bit and I placed my phone in my pocket just to be met by a screaming crowd. This couldn't be happening. I had been waiting for this moment for the last year. We bought the tickets in August or something last year. I took a deep breath and looked at Elin as the count down on the screen appeared. 

Let's be honest here, I never stopped screaming nor dancing through out the hole concert. Me and Elin were singing towards each other and dancing having the time of our lives. We didn't care about the looks we were getting. Hell no. No fucks given.  

Sometime through the middle of the concert they stopped and it was time for Louis to have his minor speech.

"Through out the years there have been many rumours about who'm my dad is" he spoke and the boys gathered together around him. "For the first time I can give you a real answer" Louis said looking out in the audience. "His name was Tommy and lived here in Sweden" he said.

I hugged Elin. 

"I've tried getting in touch with him for years now but he never answered me, I figured he didn't want to get in touch with a kid you had with anouther woman, turns out he died 14 years ago" he said with a steady voice but eyes that screamed 'please help me'.

He took a deep breath. "I wish I could've met him... That would've been just... amazing" He said and a smile apeared on his lips. The boys had joined him in the middle of the stage.

"But! on the plus side I got two new siblings! a little brother and a sister" he said and turned towards our part of the arena. He gave us a wide toothy smile. "My sister is actually here... right.... there! hi Elin!" he shouted and waved.

We awkwardly waved back, spotlight almost blinding us. The girls around us were now gaping at Elin and myself. This was when we realized we should probably run backstage not to be clawed or something like that.

We quickly ran towards the closest exit and found a person who worked at the arena that could show us backstage. We had figured we wouldn't find ourselfs to the right place otherwise. 

We watched what was left of the show from backstage dancing around freely. When the end came and confetti was raning down on us I was purly happy. 

This was before I remembered Sabina. She was going to kill me. Or Elin. Or both.

My phone were going crazy.

I took a deep breath before answering.

"EMMA I SWEAR TO GOD-" I placed the phone to my chest and rubbed my ear. Elin were chuckling beside me. "Sabina" I whispered and Elin's eyes widened. "Shit" Elin said with panic written all over her face. 

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?! HAVE YOU BEEN IGNORING ME ALL DAY BECAUSE OF THIS?!?!" She was defiantly pissed that was for sure. "Sabina! Shhhhh!" Her voice died down just a little bit.

"I didn't even know, It's been a lot more emotional then you could imagine..." I said. and awkward I thought. "Elin gone through the death of her dad all over again today so please don't be mad" I said and took Elin's hand in mine when I herd her take a hitched breath.

"Well you could've texted?! I was worried Emma, shit I was out of my mind... thought you had been kidnapped or something" She said and I chuckled. "Manja and me were planning on sending out the police after you, Not kidding" She said and I could see her doing just that.

"I'm sorry Sabina, I am" I said and Looked at Elin and she nodded. "Elin's sorry too" I said and made a small smile. "Oh don't you try that, I'm trying to be angry at you" She said and I laughed.

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