Chapter ThirtySix - I Can Not Believe This

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Sarah's POV.

Since we last spoke things have spiraled! When I mean spiraled I mean calmed the fuck down. Kind off.

So this is what you've missed. Niall gave Emma an promise ring aka they're literally engaged even if they claim it just a 'promise' ring. Harry and Sabina have soon dated for six months and she's become accepted into the 1D fandom. Elin became a model. Like directioners didn't see that long before. Manja and Josh has become the new it couple. Liam had stopped party like an idiot and start hanging out with his family again. Eleanor and Louis was on the edge to get engaged and Zayn and Perrie were planning their wedding.

Anyways since then they all have gone back to their jobs and schools. Their normal life. The girlfriend got hidden from the world and the boys stepped out on stage every night in different cities every night. The boys meet fans along the way which makes me incredibly jealous but they're soon in Australia! That's my turn.

Just around the time the boys is in my town is just when I'm practising for this magazine so hopefully I'll get to meet them. Interview them even. My parents and friends have told me not to take my hopes up to high.... But I can't help it.

Today was their last day on their US tour. They would head up to Japan and a bit of asia before they headed down under. They would have two concerts there and then have a lot of promo around.

Rumors said that Sabina, Elin and Eleanor was in LA for the last concert but only Eleanor had been spotted. Elin had flown out to her brother two times in the US your together with their little brother of course. We didn't know a lot about Jonathan. He didn't have twitter nor a tumblr or anywhere else we would be able to get to know the guys but we accepted that. The only thing that we knew was that he looked like Louis and that was all we cared about.

Sabina and Harry as I said before is stronger then ever. He flew out to her or flew her in. Made romantic weekends or just brought her home to his mum. She's truly a lucky girl. She was spotted with him in Sweden as well thought nobody knew really where in Sweden their spent their time at. They kinda just disappeared.

Emma was kinda gone. She had fully disappeared. Nobody really knew where she was of what she was doing. Some said that management gave her a new identity. They're weird. But Nemma had been hidden. That was a fact. Many people said that it was management. Which I strongly believe because Emma was so good with us and talked to us and then just nothing. She would at it's most tweet one tweet a month and that would be from the shared account. I just hope she's alright.

A new post plopped up on my tumblr dash.

The Post was a collage off gifs of the girls. They're so beautiful. Why can't I be like that. I reblogged and then kept scrolling. A few posts with pap pictures came up. That one post that I couldn't even really look at. The pictures of the girls all looking terrified. I was ashamed of what the fandom had done towards the girls.

If you haven't herd all of the girls got mobbed and Manja got punched and yeah. It was horrible. The boys went crazy trying to get to the girls but the security wouldn't let them. Of course it was all by accident but the boys wouldn't let us even have a little small chance of it happening again. Which I guess is understandable. 

"So I have to go at six thirty for the interview and I'll be back at eight" I said and they nodded. They being the people in our small club. "We are going to have full access to the security and they have told me that we will hopefully be able to walk backstage but they couldn't confirm anything" Zoey said and I nodded writing it into the document that was shared between all of us. 

"Sarah... have to talked to Emma or Sabina again?" Dayna said and glanced down on my phone. "Eh no" I lied. I'm terrible at lying. Amber glared at me. "I don't even want to meet them" Amber said with her nose in the air. "Well you don't have to then!" I said angrily glaring at her back. "Ay guys, Take it easy and Amber, Niall choose Emma for a reason just accept it" Sophie said and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not like Sarah went nuts when she found out about Sabina" She said and smiled. "That's because she never loved Harry like I love Nialler" She said looking out of the window. Sometimes I just want to kick Amber in the arse and just kick her out of the club as well. Loving someone is nut only loving them but being able to let them go and let them have their life. 

"I love Harry but I realized long ago that there is no future for us... he lives in england for christ sake! So when I found out that he had found such a lovely girl as Sabina I was happy for him" I said facing Amber. She of course kept her face towards the window. "I'm sorry to break it to you but there will never EVER be a namber" I said slowly. Her shoulders slumped. She stood up and walked towards the door.

Before she opened the door she turned. 

"I'm out of the club... Sarah how could you?" She mumbled and then walked out of the door. I would probably lie if I said that that didn't face me because it did. It stung my heart but she needed to hear the truth. Because she needed to stop hating Emma. It wasn't good for her nor Emma nor Niall for that mater. 

The meeting went on and we planned the day, the tour, in details. It was necessary if everything was going to move along smoothly. 

@Sabinakj: @SarahsWhereItsAt It's official I'll be attending the tour in Austrailia! can't wait to meet you. x

The tweet was of course in DM's and I smiled widely. I had talked to Sabina for so long now and I would consider her one of my best friends. We never spoke about Harry as Harry styles. When we did speak about him we just talked about him with the term 'Your Boyfriend'. It was nice because that made it feel more normal.

"Okay plan's is changed Sabina is defiantly attending the Oz tour" I announced and the girls quickly started typing. As they were I answered her.This was going to be great. Even amazing.

@SarahsWhereItsAt: @Sabinakj Yey! It's going to be amazing! :D

"You're so lucky to know Sabina" Zoey said and gave out a sigh. "I am lucky, she's truly a great friend and I can't wait to meet her" I said and scribbled down what was going to happen. "So Do you think Emma, Elin and Manja will join too?" Sophie asked and I thought for a bit. "Maybe... Emma nor Elin have said anything about it" I said and shrugged.

We wrote a little on our Page on facebook telling everybody where they would have to be or what was going to be allowed and what wouldn't be. Keeping everybody updated was honestly a challenge but a fun one. 

I looked down on my phone. Three weeks.

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