Chapter Ten - A fan's perspective

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Sara's POV. AKA A FAN 

Living in Australia sucks. Especially when your favorite band Lives in Europe. Thankfully we have winter break and I can stay up how ever the late I want. Not that I do that anyways even if I have school. You know yolo.

I don't get it honestly every time the boys goes to Sweden all hell breaks lose. I DON'T GET IT!! How hard can it be to go to a country. Meet no girls, meet some fans, have the concert and go to the next city?! It can't be that hard!

I'm going to sum it up for you. 

Louis found his long lost father that turned out to be dead but YEY he has now two more siblings in which are on his father side and he finally got a baby brother. With this long lost sister of his came three unknown girls. They basically just simply danced into the 1D inner circle. 

And that what you've missed on '1D fandom'.

This girl Sabina was already in a relationship with Harry. HOW?! Harry wouldn't even admit he 'fake' dated Taylor Swift but he admitted he was dating her after a day! It literally made no sense to me. 

There were pictures all over tumblr and Twitter of her now. Every update account coming with new facts almost every second. 

So this girl. Sabina. Works in live and work in London but is from Sweden and that's why she's there. She's a year older then him and she's an directioner. Plus points. She's apparently really sweet and talked to a fan this morning. 

Lets be honest everybody is searching for a reason to hate her but nobody can come up with one. She's what everyone wanted Harry to date. A fan. After a few hours of rage and trying to find a picture of them when Harry WASN'T smiling like a Cheshire cat I gave up. They were a good match. 

Apparently the group had sneaked out of the capital to go to a zoo and had spend the hole day there. A few lucky fans had meet the boys and the girls all claiming that the girls were really polite and nice. They said that Harry was really protective over Sabina and wouldn't really leave her side when a fan talked to her. 

I get it though. The fans can get rather nasty if they really want to. 

One of the update accounts had made a collage. I skimmed through the pictures. 

Firstly there were them both yesterday. Harry having his arms around her waist as they talked to some unknown guy. Next were this morning in the back of the car when Harry got himself a sneaky little kiss. Then it was them at the zoo. Walking hands and hands, a photo of Harry in her glasses, Her sitting in his lap. A few kissy pictures. 

Then it was pictures of the other girls.

Elin. Louis Sister. There were alot of mystery around her. We didn't know much about her and her twitter didn't say much about her either. We just knew that she was a fan, that she didn't know about Louis being her sister before yesterday and that she was... Just like him. 

We had also comes to terms that she was more open then the other tomlinsons. Not that she was one. She's not. But you know... the other family members of Louis. She tweeted about everything and wouldn't care one bit about what people were saying. 

She had for an example tweeted her brother this morning that he's always late and owe her an Ice Cream. 

Anyways she was walking next to Emma that's rumoured to be dating Niall. On the other side it was rumouring again that he was dating Ellie goulding. Niall walked hand in hand with this Emma girl though and Niall hadn't done that with a girl in public before so we all took it as a sign that he had finally found a girl. 

It was a relief and a devastation at the same time. Relief in the aspect that it was a normal girl and no model or artist. Just a normal non famous girl. 

The pictures of her and Niall were not the friendliest. They basically looked like a couple. Him holding her hand or his arm around her waist or the way he always whispered things in her ear. It was obvious that they liked each other and the fandom were 75% sure they were dating. 

In an interview this morning Niall had said 'Yes I'm dating someone, dating someone. I'm not in a relationship just yet' and then he had giggled. Since when did Niall giggle. In the same interview Louis had held a heart breaking speech about his dad and how much it bothered him that he had missed him but that he got to know his father through Elin. 

Also being in the 1D fandom you get to know the band and one of the girl. The remaining girl that were unamed yet were obviously dating Josh Devine. They were super cute and seemed like a fun couple to be around. She always smiling and he always smiling it was sweetness over the edge. 

Basically wherever the boys went so did they. It was like they were a part of the band almost. 

We all wondered what would happen now when the WWA Tour moved on to another country would they come along or would they stay behind. 

Nobody really knew if they had know each other before the hole 'Elin's Louis' Sister' thing. The only thing we knew was that now 4 of 5 were dating someone and that meant everybody went after Liam. Poor guy. 

The girls had twitter and tweeted just like any fan does but they answered so many people it was astonishing. They followed a good amount of fans already that they had followed before they became someone in the inner circle. 

They were funny because they tweeted each other even. They were just like a group of fan that got lucky. It's amazing really. 

The biggest scandal had been them wearing their boy's clothes. That had taken a special turn on the hole fandom. Again nothing that had happened before. On Tumblr the gif of niall saying 'Today was a Busy Week for us' was circling like never before it was like Haylor all over again. 

A tweet ploped up. 

           @SabinaKj: Mr. WorldWide

@Harry_Styles: @Sabinakj Shut up , I'm not that bad!

The picture was of Harry standing in front of a huge map and her glasses on. The bandana was wrapped around his head perfectly. Damn you hot boy. A few minutes later Emma tweeted. 

@BornWithColour: This can't be good #ScaredToDeath

The picture showed Niall smirking evilly. He was only wearing a tank top and that literally made my heart stop. I decided to answer her tweet. The tweet had already been out for a good ten minutes which means I had about no chance to get noticed. 

@NiallsAustralianBabe: @BornWithColour I don't know which you are more scared of? The fact that Niall wears a tank top or his smirk

I let the tweet be and returned to Tumblr where I spent most of my time at. A seconds later my mentions blew up. Mentions were everywhere. When I put my mentions up I saw it. My breath catched in my throat. 

@NiallOfficial: @NiallsAustralianBabe @BornWithColour defiantly the smirk ;) Might eat her up !


The picture that were attached were Niall taking a picture of them both Emma sitting in his lap looking scared. It was to cute. 

I started shaking and screaming as my phone started ringing. I answered to find my best friend Amber screaming in the other end. She's more of a Niall girl and took the hole Emma thing on a new level. I mean I at least accepted Sabina. 

She didn't like Emma for two pence. She truly despised Emma for the first second she was on a picture with him on the other side she hated everyone that wasn't her beside him. 

"SARA!!! HE MENTIONED YOU OH MY GOOOD" She shouted and I stared at the tweet. Holly mother of god. This could simply NOT be happening. Seconds later a 'NiallOfficial is following you' and a 'BornWithColour is following you' on my dash. 

This was the best day of my life. I would never forget this EVER. 

Just 108 days left until He's In my city!

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