Chapter TwentyTwo - Shit Goes Down

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Sarah's POV. 

When 1D left Sweden we thought it would get alot calmer. You know with no girls around. Turns out we were somewhat right. Though a month later in Milan it came back to life. Lets have a slow recap. 

Two days after the lads had left Sweden Harry declared that he was off the charts and confirmed that he was  indeed dating the Sabina girl in a youtube video. It was cheesy and cute and it made your heart melt.

He explain as why he had chosen to do a You Tube video and how much he cared for her and waned everyone to be nice to her. Harry also told us how he met her and that they had alot in common. He basically rambled on for a good fifteen minutes about the girl.

Niall kept his 'I'm dating someone but not telling you who' policy though I'm almost 100% sure it's the Emma girl.

Well now we know but as quickly as Niall confirmed that he dated 'someone' it was like rumours went of the charts. He was possibly dating every single celebrity girl on the planet. The Niall girl's were going absolutely crazy. 

Louis had an interview by his own where he told his undying love for his girlfriend and told the world about how he really had connected with his new sister and brother. He also told the world about how it had been a struggle coming to terms with it at first. 

The fandom were still quite shaken with the hole Louis' new family. 

A week after their Sweden visit the girls had more or less disappeared. Sabina had received a massive amount of hate. It was disgusting and so did I tell people from my update account in which we only got hate. 

Emma, the girl i kept my eyes on. Were still on twitter. She didn't tweet as much she had done before but she was on there. Sometimes it felt like she gave us hints but we weren't so sure. She told us about what she and her friends were up to. 

Manja had been a girl to keep our eyes on as well as she and Josh Devine, The bands Drummer, Went official. She was a total sweetie and you couldn't more then smile as she came into question. Surprisingly Josh had his own little fandom and they got a little upset about her but nowhere near as upset the hole one direction fandom became with Sabina. 

Well except me. 

Anyways after that they were kinda gone. Almost as if the had dropped off the face of the earth. A fan met Elin at a local supermarket but not more then that. We thought that was it that we wouldn't much see them more. Well of course we were going to see Sabina but yeah you know what I mean. 

That's until they decided to take a last minute plane to Milan. 

They told a fan's mother not to tell her kid she met them until two days later so she wouldn't ruin the surprise for the boys. They flew down to surprise their boyfriends. We assumed this only applied Manja and Sabina but oh how wrong we were. 

Can we first take a minute and observe how cute the picture was? All of them looked somewhat disturbed but more flawless then ever. I couldn't help but notice Sabina's bracelet. It was clearly one of Harry's. 

It makes me sound so creepy but I always noticed the smallest of details. But i have seen him wearing it loads of times and now she was wearing it. It was cuter then cutest. 

They made a minor failure when they arrived in the airport as a couple of fans 'thought' they saw them but didn't get through to the boys thank god. When they were paped together with them later the day after they looked like goddesses. It's not even funny. How do I become a Sabina? How Do I become a Manja? Or any of the girls H O W?

Emma had a break down which were photographed by fans and were posted all over twitter. I felt really sorry for her because she looked so freaked out. Rumors went that Niall were so pissed off at everyone that he screamed at Paul. No One has confirmed that one. 

Anyways they drove around in circles around the hotel until a path was made and Niall escorted her in. He held a protective hand around her waist and held her hand tightly. 

Niall went out on what we assumed on a date with Emma in Milan. They were paped together and through the windows and they looked pretty cozy. That's when it happened. 


With the text 'date night'. It was confirming everything. Emma was Niall's girlfriend. The hole fandom freaked out and did what we always do. Search up everything about the girl. She seemed pretty harmless if you ask me. Just like Sabina and and the other girls. 

Sabina, Harry and Elin became drunk at a bar and that is as much as we know...

Manja and Josh went on a date aswell. The day after though. That same day Emma and Sabina was seen with Hickeys... we all know what that means. Sabina's were a lot smaller then Emma's and Emma had two. 

... Niall....

Anyways back to the Mosh date. That's what they're called. Manja and Josh I mean. They spent the day two miles out of Milan on a tivoli and was doing couply stuff. Josh uploaded a keek showing him and Manja competing in a game. Josh won and gave a huge elephant to Manja who seemed to be glowing of happiness. 

Anyways back to 1D they had an interview at a studio that day which Niall just took over beaming about his girlfriend happily. Fans spotted the girls backstage and posted photos of them smiling brightly at their boyfriends. 

After the interview the couples split up doing different things. Emma and Niall wasn't seen at all. Sabina and Harry wen't late sightseeing and met up with a couple of lucky fans. Mosh spent the last hours of the days in the hotel spa. Well that's what the sources said. 

The day after no one was seen until ten o'clock and Nemma. That's what we call Emma and Niall together. They stopped by fans and had a conversation with alot of them. A fan said Emma was pretty and Niall agreed and Emma blushed. There is basically gifs everywhere. 

The Emma girl was disliked at first but is actually quite liked now. I guess that's what happens when they interact with the fans. Sabina and Harry had been so distant and private. I guess I get it but still we wanted to get to know the girl. Well some of us did. 

At the concert the boyfriends dedicated songs to their girlfriends in the audience and Niall might have made the most cheeky comment ever. The fans went nuts but I mean. Hey the guys 20 and he have sex with his girlfriend leave him alone. 

and that pretty much sums it all up.

"So what I'm saying is, The new group of girls that have been seen with the boys seems pretty harmless, Leave 'em alone" I said into the camera while a new wave of comments rolled in. "No I'm not one of their friends, I live in austrailia for fucks sake" I said answering one of the questions I was able to catch. "All I'm saying is that they seem ace" I said and rolled my eyes. 

The questions kept rolling and I talked away about new stuff that would be happening and which concerts I would be attending in Sidney and Melburne. 

@BornWithColours: Hi darling, thanks for the lovely comments, we all send our love. x

My heart were coughed in my throat and I started coughing aggressively. SHIT SHIT SHIT. 

"OH MY GOD!" I burst out still coughing slightly. "Emma just said: Hi Darling, Thanks for the lovely comments, we all send our love" I said and stared at the camera. "I'm actually like freaking out" I said trying to compose myself. SHIT! I have to answer!

"Ehm no problem you girls are stunning and seems to be so nice! so yeah eh sending my love back!" I said and just sat down looking at the screen. As I did all of them follow the account. Oh dear lord have mercy. 

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