Chapter ThrityEight - The beginning of the end

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Calling Niall was probably the worst part. The hole 'hey you have breast cancer' thing wasn't so bad. They had after all said that it was removal. Well that was what I was saying to myself. Calming myself down by the nurses and doctors. But calling Niall was the worst. Because even thought the ring on my finger would mean that he would never leave me... it felt like this might be to much. 

"Emmy! Babe! How are you?" Niall sounded so happy and I didn't know how to break the news. The bad news. How to make him sad. "Niall... If you aren't already... you should sit down" I said sounding awfully unsure. "Emma are you alright?" Niall said this time deadly serious and I could hear on his voice that he was on his toes. 

"Are you sitting down?"

"Yes, for god sake Emma tell me whats up?!" Niall shouted and I took a deep breath. 

Here it goes.

"I went to a doctors appointment today..." I said, more mumbled and whispered honestly. "Emmy?" Niall whispered in the other end. "It was a usual check up..." I said and gave a little sigh. "Are you pregnant?" Niall asked sounding relieved and I actually wish I was because I wouldn't be deadly sick if that was the case.

"I wish... Niall, they found a lump in one of my breasts and another just below my armpit... It's cancer" I rushed the words out hoping they'd work like band aid and the hurt would be gone but it was still there. The pain in my heart was still there. Niall gasped at the other end like if the air went out of his lungs and a loud thomp was herd. 

"Niall? Niall breath babe, I'm going to be alright, Okay? Do you hear me? Nothing's really confirmed yet" The last part I whispered and Looked as another doctor walked past. At least I hoped I was going to be alright...

"Where are you?" Niall asked sounding determined. "London Bridge Hospital?" I said being confused. "Are you allowed to go home?" He asked while things herd to be moved around in the background. "No... they're keeping me over night and then run more tests tomorrow morning, why?" I asked more sternly this time. "I'll Call when I'm in the lobby, Stay put love you, Bye" The line was dead.

Wait what? What did he just do? Is that possible? Is he allowed to do that? What would the boys say? They were in the middle of promo tour in the US. Of course they didn't do 'alot' of performances but they still did interviews around the country. Niall needed to be there.

The lump in my stomach ached. This was all my fault.  

I clicked onto Elin, mine, Manja and Sabina's imassage chat. Obviously I had to tell them. In my head I just really wish they were here and would be able to just come. Sabina was here but working, Elin and Manja was in Sweden. 

Guys... I have cancer

I stared at the letters as If they were going to jump out and bite me. Maybe they would. Probably not. Lilly came back and I stood up with the little bag I had gone home to retrieve. She showed me to a little room with a little window and a little tv and a huge bed in the middle. 

"My boyfriend will arrive in some hours... Is it alright if he comes in?" I asked placing my bag slowly on the bed. My pocket started vibrating violently. They had seen the message. "Yes I guess so, A nurse will come in, in a couple of minutes putting an IV in, The robe and socks should be on the bed" Lilly said and gave me a smile. 

I lifted my bag a little and found the iconic robe. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Lilly asked and I turned around. "Of course" I said and took a deep breath sitting down on the bed. What had I taken myself into this time?

The room went silent and I looked around. This would become my home wouldn't it? Quickly I changed into the robe. As I did I felt for myself. The tumor was defiantly there. I know I shouldn't have but I blamed myself for not spotting it earlier on. Getting check ups or something like that earlier. 

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