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"Come on man! Let's get him!" One of the kids yelled as they continued to chase 17 year Prince down the street. Of course the teen desperately tried to out run the bullies but he was outnumbered. 1 person couldn't possibly take on a group of 4. They managed to corner him in before roughly shoving him to the ground, pelting him with punches and kicks.

"S-STOP!" Prince managed to choke out, shielding his face with his hands. One of the kids had kicked him in the side and he let out a painful scream. The tears kept threatening to fall but he couldn't cry in front of them. He refused to. These guys had been bullying him since middle school. Now he was a senior and it seemed as if the bullying was relentless. The leader of the group, Dominic, crouched down in front of Prince, his stale breath hitting his nostrils, immediately making him nauseous. "Aw what's the matter 'Princess'? You gonna go home and cry to mommy? Too bad she's a whore!" The other 3 let out cackling laughs as they start walking away. "Fucking faggot!" Dominic yelled, shaking his head in disgust.

By the time Prince finally made it home, he limped up the stairs in pain. Walking inside, he set his backpack on the floor before heading towards the bathroom. The house was silent. His parents weren't home. They never were. Especially now that they were separated. Mattie, his mother constantly worked at the local hospital as a nurse. She'd be gone most nights and now days because she'd be taking any extra shift she could to just make ends meet. Maybe I should get an extra job to help out... Prince worked at record store in the mall.

On the other hand, his father John had become quite a successful jazz musician and had moved away back to Minneapolis, getting re married to a white woman and having a new family. I wish I could just move back there. I can't stand it here...The teenager thought bitterly. Since the separation, Mattie thought it was best if her and her only child move to California and in her words, "start over with a great start" They had been living here since he was 10 and at first, Prince was excited about the move. He couldn't take having to hear his parents constant fighting night after night anymore.

Turning on the faucet, Prince grabbed a wash cloth, soaking it in the warm water. Once the water touched his fingers it immediately soothed his nerves. His hazel orbs met with his reflection in the mirror and he winced. I'm so fucking ugly...His left eye was starting to swell from one of the guy's punches. It was red and hurt like a bitch. His bottom lip had a gash, the blood already seeping out and down his chin. Prince's fingers trembled as he took the wash cloth, gently placing it over his eye. Before he could stop them, the tears then trickled down his flushed cheeks like a waterfall. Taking a seat on the toliet lid, his shoulders hunched as he continued to cry softly, his body shaking in pain and sorrow.

As the sun crept through the blinds of his room the following morning, Prince slowly sat up, a deep sigh leaving his lips. He was contemplating whether or not he should go to school today. Maybe I should just stay in bed. After all it's cozy and nobody would have to see my pitiful self. He took his time getting out of bed, his body still aching in pain from the bullies the day before. Peeling off his pajamas, he changed into a pair of jeans with a white tshirt and a purple long sleeved flannel. Glancing over at his reflection in the mirror, he had to smile a little bit. At least his black eye wasn't THAT noticeable. His left eye had just been red still due to a popped blood vessel but it didn't hurt as much. The deep gash was still noticeable on his lip but it wasn't like anyone would ask how it happened anyway. He was always ignored at school.

A furry orange figure then jumped on Prince's bed, startling him. Chuckling, he walked over to scratch its ears. "Bye Paisley. I'll see ya when I get back okay?" The cat purred in response. Grabbing his backpack he then walked out the door. As he walked down the steps he noticed a figure also leaving their house as well located across the street. Her caramel tone seemed to glow in the morning sunlight as she fished inside of her black purse for her keys. Immediately her head snapped up and he froze on the sidewalk in fear, mentally cursing himself. Shit. She caught me staring.

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