1. His Smile

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This is the first book I've ever written so if it's not all that please bare with me I will try to get better.

Hayden's POV 🌴:

  Another boring day of school I thought putting on sweatpants and a black V-line shirt. I went downstairs to see that my mom was cooking bacon and eggs as I got a whiff of this I closed my eyes holding my head back smiling.

  I said "Good morning mom." I went over to her kissed her on the cheek and walked to gather my books for school today until I spotted a piece of paper in the pocket of my bag. It read Vanessa give me a call anytime you want winkie face, and her number was written on it. I thought about it and I decided that may be I could do something at her place tonight so I shoved the piece of paper down at the bottom of my bag. I headed back downstairs...

  I felt disgusted as I saw the sight of my dad kissing my mom's neck. I hated my dad he infuriated me he cheated on my mom so many times, and I don't know why she keeps on going back to him. It hurts me every time when I see her hurt the same way over and over again, but she still goes back to him.

  I was upset so I started walking out the door and my dad stopped me. He said " Son I have to talk to you." I snapped at him in a low angry growling voice through gritted teeth " I never want to speak to you for as long as I live." I pulled myself from his grasp, walked towards my car, and sped off. I felt so angry, but I relaxed as I thought this is my first day of senior year.

  No more homework and all these classes stressing me out.

  Every girl I had passed stared at me and some came up to me asking if I was single, but I felt as if no girl mattered anymore. I got tired of just having sex with a different girl every night.

  I wanted more than that.

  I wanted someone who would be there for me, and love me the way I am, but I quickly pushed those thoughts away.

  I went to my first period class where this beautiful girl walked in and she said that she was a new student toward the teacher. Her name was Alexandra... she had a perfect smile that lured you in and could make you do stupid things.

  Wait...was I blushing? I quickly snapped out of my trance as the teacher put her to sit next to me. My heart started to beat rapidly, and my face was getting red.

  Alexandra turned towards me and asked "Are you ok? Your hyperventalating."

  I managed to smile and give her a quick nod indicating that I was ok, but I wasn't ok. She turned her attention back to Mr Carbon and I was left admiring her beauty.

  When classes were finally over I was blushing like a fool because this amazing girl was in all of my classes. The girl with a perfect smile, beautiful hair, amazing body...everything about her is stunning.

  What am I doing? I don't fall for girls they fall for me. Suddenly, I remembered Vanessa's number was in my bag. I decided to call her, and I wanted to forget this new girl.

Alexandra's POV🌴:

  I woke up stretching in delight and thought this is my first day at a new school and that this was my senior year.

  I quickly darted up out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed a sexy black jeans, a tight red shirt, and a black Nike shoes. I took a shower, got dressed and headed downstairs to greet my dad with a good morning hug.

  I never met my mom she passed away. She had been diagnosed with lung cancer when I was merely 2 years old. The only thing I have in memory of her were pictures and it pained me every day.

  I had no other family members but my dad and we struggled a lot to make a living. We both had jobs, and I am a chef at Alejandros. I loved to workout so I got a second job as a gym instructor.

  I was always busy and never had time for school activities or get to spend time with friends.

  I asked my dad for a ride to school, and when we finally got there I became anxious. The overwhelming feeling of attending to a new school and seeing new faces, but I managed to walk with confidence as soon as I got in the building the bell rang. I went to the office and a lady namex Ms. Pullen walked me to my locker gave me my papers that I needed and sent me off to class.

  I got into the classroom and eyes shot up at me. My stomach felt flustered as the teacher introduced me and told me where to sit. I looked to where he was pointing and this handsome boy was sitting there staring at me then he looked away. He was so charming and had amazing brown eyes. I felt as if I was staring too much so I turned my attention back to the teacher in front of me.

I had asked him if he was ok because he seemed nervous but he nodded and just gave me a sweet smile. I couldn't stop thinking about his smile the way his lips curved...what is this guy some kind of God?


  By the end of second period I met this girl named Charmaine. She seemed really nice, and I wanted to get to know her more she seemed really cool. She invited me to sit with her friends, so I did join them and made some more friends along the way. I thought to myself this has been a great day, I'm making friends already.

  The day went by ordinarily but I seemed to notice that this boy was in all of my classes and I got kind of nervous by the thought of seeing him every day. I found out that his name was Hayden. I never did anything with a guy before I was always too distracted by work and acting like a grown up I never really thought about it but this boy was different...

I hope this gave you guys a little bit of a feel for Hayden and Alexandra. You saw a little into their lives and how the family was different. If you have any questions you can ask me in the comments and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Well until next time my best wishes.

Kaylia 💋

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