10. Love

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Hayden's POV 🌴:

  The week went by really fast I spent most of my time with Alexandra and she made me the happiest man alive. She gave me a reason to live and to push through everyday.

  I want to make her mine so I'm trying to plan something special for her...

  What has gotten into me? I never usually bought gifts for girls or even sticked around to know their names.

  But Alexandra is different and she lights up my world ever since the first day I saw her she had something about her that drew me close to her. I just want A that's it. I'm going to make her mine no matter what ever since she came in my life I just felt as if I need her.

  She had a shift after school which means I wouldn't be able to see her until six. I chose to get us tickets to go to the Green River Hill Festival. I hope I please her and make it right between us by bringing her to the fair.

  I wanted to get her something special that she'd remember and keep close to her.

  I decided to go shopping even though I hate it but anything for A. I want to make sure she has everything.


  I went to Green River Mall because they have some good jewelry that I think Alexandra would like.
  I wanted to get her something special from my heart. I just wanted to see her smile when I give it to her I want her happy and I can't wait to see her after school.


  I searched and searched until I knew I found something perfect.

  I finally found it after an hour of searching and I knew this was the right necklace. It describes her perfectly.

  I got the necklace and I put it in a small blue box with a bow at the top. Suddenly, I felt nervous... What if she doesn't like it? My heart started pounding against my chest faster and faster I couldn't slow it down.


  With doubt in my mind I went home and got dressed to take my lady to the festival.

Alexandra's POV 🌴:

  I hated working and right after school the day was pretty dull and Jules has everything covered. I wanted to go home right now but I have a doctor's appointment directly after school.

  I've been experiencing shooting pains in my heart and I wanted to check it out.

  I didn't tell Hayden about it because I knew he would worry. I found out that he worries a lot when something goes on with people he cares about. Maybe he cares for me he says he does but maybe he's just saying that.

  I got abruptedly shook out of my thoughts by Vanessa. How did she know where I worked? I asked in a low voice "What do you want?" Vanessa said "Oh I just wanted to tell you that what I said in the bathroom I meant it. You will never get to have Hayden to yourself he's mine and I deserve him."

  I smiled and looked her in the eyes as I said "I won't stoop to your level Vanessa and I don't care what you have to say. Now will you excuse me and let me get on with my day?"

  Work was over it was finally time to leave. I walked past Vanessa and grabbed my gym bag. As I was walking away she said "Watch out...Alexandra." She said this with a evil smile on her face and her eyes were looking deep into my soul with hatred.

  I shook it off and walked out. I headed towards my car sitting in it for a while. I felt shooting pains again in my chest.

  I tried my best to ignore them and I started driving towards the doctors. I was very nervous to see what the results are I just hope it's nothing serious.


  I drove to the doctors quickly because Hayden said he had something special planned for us tonight.

  I reached after 15 minutes of driving. It was a far drive from GC. I just hope this trip won't be long because I want to get back to Hayden.

  I got out of the car and headed inside after about 2 minutes of waiting a lady with red hair called my name. I walked towards her and she said with a cheery smile "Follow me." I shook my head and I walked behind her hastily. The lady told me to sit in a room and said the doctor will be here shortly.


  After about 5 minutes a doctor walked in.

  She said with a cheerfilled voice "My name is Dr. Morris but you may call me Lindsay. What may I help you with today?"

  I told her "Hi my name is Alexandra. I've been experiencing chest pains and I wanted to see what the problem is."

  Lindsay said "I'll bring you to the X-ray room and we will get it checked out."

  I followed her toward the room and she told me to stand up straight. I did and her face looked very concerned. She said "You have something on your main artery of your heart. I'll have to check it out more further." She told me to follow her again so I did and she went back to the little room from before.

  Lindsay said "Pee in this cup and I'll run a test."

  I stopped at the water fountain and drank as much water as I could. I forced out as much pee as I could. I washed my hands quickly and headed back to the room. I handed the doctor my pee and she went off with it.


  I waited for about 10 minutes before she came back with a sad look on her face.

  She let out a sigh and said "I'm sorry to tell you this but your test came back with a positive for atherosclerotic heart disease. The good thing is there is a cure."

  I looked at her with my mouth open and I then asked her "What is the cure? How much does it cost?"

  The nurse looked at me with a frown evident on her face and said "You have to get surgery and it costs $5,000 but it's not a 100% effective."


  I drove home thinking about everything that has went on today.

  I'm not letting Hayden find out about this. What if he wants to give me the money to cure it? I don't want that to happen.

  I'm just going to let nature take it's course...

I know this chapter was kind of long but I promised you guys that didn't I? I would like to thank all of my readers and fans it means a lot to me. This journey is just beginning 😘😊

Kaylia 💋

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