29. Brother

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Alexandra's POV 🌴:

  Love is and always will be a strange thing.

  For example Hayden and I are a different kind of relationship.

  We might fight a lot but that's not the only part of it. We love each other so we know how to get back from it. If you really love the person you're with it will always work out in the end.

  When I opened my eyes I searches for Hayden and he wasn't in the bed.

  I slowly got up from the bed and looked around the room stretching from the bed.

  I headed to the bathroom I brushed out my hair and checked my breath. It smelled horrible I hurried and brushed it.

  After about two minutes, I put on my teeth whitening product and few minutes later I took them off. I then used Listerine I know it sounds complicated but once you get the hang of it. It's a piece of cake and it gets your teeth to the perfect color.

  I picked up my floss but I couldn't get a chance to finish because I heard a rumble from the kitchen. It kind of sounded like pans and pots falling. I quickly put my floss down and grabbed the bat in my room. I slowly walk towards the kitchen and look around but there was no one there. I went around to the other side but no one. I felt at ease and rested the bat along my side. I was walking and bumped into something...someone I had lost my bat, so I put my legs around the person and dragged them to the floor. I put my elbow against their throat and used my body weight to pin them down.

  "Who are you?" I asked.

  "I'm Hayden's brother Mike! Who are you?!" I felt ashamed I hadn't realized that Hayden had a brother. I eased up off of him and helped him off the ground. I hope didn't ruin his impression of me yet.

  "I'm so sorry I know Hayden isn't home, so I just thought somebody broke in. I hope I didn't hurt you."

  "It's fine. I should have been more careful Hayden had told me you're a strong girl." Hayden talks to his brother about me. I held out my hand shook his as I said "You probably already know my name is Alexandra and I'm really sorry about what happened."

  "Hey don't worry about it and I'm Mike." I let go of his hand and I had to look to him to give him a smile. I said "Hayden never told me he had a brother. I haven't heard about you until now." He laughed and said "I'm heartbroken but uh...he doesn't know I'm here. I wanted to surprise him I haven't seen my little bro in years. I'm setting up dinner reservations for us. Would you like to come?"

  "I'd love to come with you guys and hope to get to know you more. You seem like a cool guy Mike."

  "Thanks it means a lot I would love to get to know you too. You have any idea where Hayden could be Alexandra?"

  "I texted him but he's not responding" Mike continued. I replied with "No I don't know where he is I just woke up." When we were talking we heard keys jingling and the sound of locks clicking.

  Both of our attention turned towards the door and we saw Hayden. I felt kind of relieved when I saw him I felt a heart warming feeling. It was like everything fell into place it's like that gut feeling you get when you know this is the right choice for you and it's what's in your heart.

  Hayden had bags in his hands and I knew that's where he had been this whole time...shopping.

  He had a huge smile plastered on his face as he rested the bags on the counter and walked towards Mike they both hugged.

  "It's been so long I haven't seen you brother and when mom told me you were coming I knew all of us had to have dinner even if it means dad would be there." I realized they were close brothers.

  I watched them talk together and catch up on old times as I just admired Hayden.

  I was smiling to myself and hoping that he wouldn't see me staring but I just couldn't help it.

  He made me happy...

  It's the feeling you get when your heart tells you this is the one for you don't let him go.

  He was talking to his brother the whole time but once for a few minutes he'd stare at me. When he did do this I always pretended I wasn't looking at him and played with my hair for a majority of the time.

  My throat felt dry and I was parched, so I left the bros to talk and went to the kitchen to get water.

  I went into the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of water, and tilted it to my head. I felt hands wrap around my waist and tug.

  I knew it was Hayden because his scent whisped through my nose. I remember every little thing about him his smile, his face, his laugh, his scent, his hair rubs. He does this weird thing with his hair where he would always play with it and I found it very attractive. I remember everything...

  Don't call me weird.

  I curled up in his arms and relaxed myself. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he said "My brother went to the bathroom. I'm sorry if I scared you I just really wanted to touch you."

  "It's cool I missed you too" I said as I turned around facing him.

  Our eyes fixated on each others. His brown eyes looking deep into mine and he made me feel a tingle in my spine. A shiver went through my body and I know why...

  Hayden has my heart.

Do you guys remember in the beginning when Alexandra said that she was never going to fall in love with Hayden?

Guess what?

Never say never.

She was wrong she's falling hard for lover boy here and I think she's going to fall deeper do you think.

Until next time.

Kaylia 💋

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