35. Late Night Mistakes

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Hayden's POV 🌴:

  It's been days but it feels like months without her.

  I have to fight for her I'm not going to give over something as stupid as this. Nothing was going on between me and that girl she just tripped.

  I would never hurt A intentionally I love her so much it drives me crazy.

  I know it was really early in the morning but I knew she'd be alone because Charmaine was at school right now.

  I can't be without her any longer I grabbed sweatpants threw them on and sped to her house. I ran to the door as fast as I could and knocked on the door.

  After a few minutes she came out and I couldn't help but stare at her. Admire her beauty like I had so many times before. Her eyes were puffy around the edges like she had been crying. I examined her and I probably shouldn't have done this, but I kissed her. To my surprise she kissed back and didn't hesitate. For a moment it felt as if everything was back to normal or that everything was going to be ok but deep down I know it wasn't.

  I savored the taste of her lips the taste of her tongue itching to reach to mine. I wanted to be in this moment forever.

  I felt her ease away as there was look of worry in her eyes as if she wanted to explain something to me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me inside as she pulled me close. She kissed me again the feel of her hands on my body is something I could never forget. Her hands were warm and sensual. She gave you a feeling like you wanted to melt and stay in her grasp for as long as you could.

  I grabbed onto her body and pulled her legs around my waist as we kept on kissing. A started to take off my shirt and touch on my body. She wanted me and she has never been like this before.

  A felt hesitant, so I pulled away from her and instead kept her close against my body as I whispered "What's wrong? You look like there is something you want to tell me." A looked away and her eyes were fixated on something, but I couldn't tell what it was. Then she let out a soft sigh and it made me know she was getting ready to tell me something important. I was dying to know what it was I want to know what has gotten her so riled up.

  A softly started to talk "That girl at the club with the incident it was my fault. It was one of my friends back when I went to Howland and I was trying to get away from you, so I didn't have to hurt you anymore with my sickness. What I realized along the way was how much it was a mistake. I've needed you so much these past few days you are all that has been on my mind and the talk with Charmaine really helped me understand what I need to do. What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry Hayden and I just need you now."

  I felt heartbroken by what she had just told me. I couldn't bare to look at her I grabbed my shirt and started to walk out the door. "I can't believe you would do something to hurt me purposely maybe I was wrong you're not the person who I thought you were" I said with a voice so cold it made A shiver. It's not A anymore it's Alexandra that was when she was mine. I have no claim of her.

  I know exactly what I needed right now. I need a drink I said to myself as I got into the car and made my way to the bar. I just wanted to forget the existence of the people and situations around me.

  As I made it to the bar I drank about 5 shots and I got hazy I didn't remember much else after that. The only thing I remember after that is someone with dark brown hair.


  As I woke up the next morning I felt a pounding headache and I could barely adjust my eyes to my surroundings.

  When I was finally aware of where I was I realized I was in Aria's apartment. I don't know what happened or how I got here. Was I that drunk? She was asleep next to me, and I slowly eased up out of bed. I swiftly but quietly threw on my clothes. I realized she was naked and so was I.

  I'm so stupid.

  I can't believe I got myself involved with someone who ripped my heart out like nothing. I guess all girls must enjoy watching me get hurt and have a broken heart. I should've never let A in. I should've just ignored her and just kept on using the system to have sex with any girl I wanted. It worked and I wasn't left heartbroken after each one.

  I let the same thing that happened with Aria happen again and now I was in the same room with her. I wanted to just disappear into thin air then maybe everything would be better.

  I tried being discreet and tip toed slowly to the door, but I stepped on a really creeky floor board. She started to wake up little by little and I knew I couldn't creep away now.

  She opened her eyes and stared at me as she smiled softly.

  She started to speak "Thank you for the amazing time last night. It was just like old times wasn't it baby" Aria said to me as she had a smile on her face I couldn't quite decipher.

  "No it wasn't like old times. Our old times were you cheating on me with plenty of guys. I can't believe I lost my virginity to a monster like you. Were you even a virgin at the time or were you slutting it up with the football captain?" I replied to her.

  "Well you say that now, but you weren't saying that last night. You were really enjoying it. You were enjoying it so much that you forgot to put on a condom. Whoopsie I might be pregnant" she said as she bit her lip. "There is no way I would go in bed with a horrible person like you. Never again I promised myself from that night" I replied to her with arrogance booming through my voice.

  I looked away from her and left the room as I slammed the door shut. I tried breathing to get all of my anger out of me but I began frustrated. I made it to the car and sat there thinking about everything. As my head was pounding and swimming with thoughts all about A.

  All I could think about was her. I couldn't get her out of my mind and all those things I said to her every last one of them I regretted.

  What have I done?

  I thought to myself as I let the dears flow down my cheeks.

I'm going to try my best to write as many chapters this weekend as possible because o feel as if I've been really neglecting putting time into the book, but I'm really trying.

Don't pressure me I really love you guys. Let's go 💙's. Until next time.

Kaylia 💋


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