28. Love?

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Hayden's POV 🌴:

  It hurt me so much what A thought I would never do that.

  I just let her go and it made me hurt what was I thinking? I had to go find her and make things right.

  I ran to the door but Aria stopped me.

  She smiled at me and said "Where are you going? You can't leave yet come on stay with me Hayden" she curled up against me and led her finger down my pants as she continued "And maybe we can do what we do best."

  Aria always had a way of doing things to me to get bothered and want to do it with her.

  She accomplished that every time. I never loved any one more than I had ever loved her she changed my world and made me see everything in a different perspective. She made me happy and when I saw with my own eyes my heart broke into two but A healed it. That's why I will never let her in with what she did to me she turned me into my worst self. She made me cold hearted and I never gave into anyone else but A was just so different. I only want A and I would never do anything to hurt her.

  I said "It's not going to work this time Aria you cheated on me with one of my best friends that I've known all my life. I walked in on you and I saw it with my own eyes there is no denying it. I thought you really loved me, but what is it? Come on tell me what do you want from me? Take anything I don't care just get out of my life."

  I push her off of me as she tries to get back on me and I say "Never will I give in to you."

  Aria rested her hand on my shoulder as she rubbed my arm in a sensual way and said "I want you Hayden and I want you back that night with Eran meant nothing. It was only once and we were both drunk we would never hurt you intentionally."

  "Yeah sure that's why everyone was talking about it and your friends told me ever since you were dating me you had him at the same time."

  "You'll never get me Aria. Can't you see? I never wanted you and you're not the person I'm meant to be with. I spent most of my time after we broke up trying to figure out what I did to make things go wrong but it was all you all along."

  "You've changed Hayden and you know that's not true I never wanted Eran you are the only one I care for. Come on please give me another chance and let us put things back to the way they were."

  "I've changed because you made me this way you messed with me and I'll never forgive you. Unlike you A is there for me and would never cheat on me. I don't care what you have to save leave your bullshit out of it Aria." I look back to all the times I knew she was cheating on me but I still stuck around because I thought maybe she only loved me. It was my fault for believing crap that wasn't true if I'm a horrible person it's because she changed me and as I said she made me see everything in a different light. Somehow it made me stronger and it made me into someone that I never thought I would be.

  "Hayden can we be friends at least?" I honestly didn't care what she had to say anymore so I replied with "Yeah sure."

  I grabbed her hand and led her out to the front door.

  She got in her car and left but before she left I realized she seemed angry. All my thoughts went away when I saw that A's car was still out there.

  She hadn't left...

  I walked quickly to the car and tried opening the door but she was sleeping so I tapped her window.

  I looked up at the sky and dark clouds were forming.

  I wanted to get her attention but she was out and it's so cute she's a deep sleeper. I knocked a little harder and she finally realized me. She didn't seem too happy, and I knew all of that would change. I'm going to tell her how I really feel.

  A got up slowly and opened the door stepping out of it slowly as she rubbed her eyes waking up from her slumber.

  "What..." I looked at A as she was talking but her voice was so soft and delicate that I could barely here her. She was upset and I wanted that to go away I have to be brave.

  I went closer to her but she backed away. I really hope that I didn't lose all of her trust.

  I let out a sigh as I started talking "A if you think I care about other girls your wrong I only care about you. I already told you you're special to me I wasn't just saying that. You want me to prove it? I have proof you're the only girl that has made my heart race, the only girl to make me fall in love with her more every day. A I'll yell from the rooftops how much I love you. I even told Aria you really are the best thing that has happened to me. Please A don't let her irrelevance ruin us. I love you and A I might not have a ring right now but I will get down on one knee. I will promise that I will never cheat on you for as long as I live. I'll do the most ridiculous things for you. Oh you want me to go yell from the rooftops ok I will."

  I started walking towards the ladder to go on the roof but A grabbed a hold of my hand and she gave me a smile that I was so happy to see.

  "I love you too and you're something else Pinkie."

  A leaned in slowly getting closer to my lips. My right hand went around to the back of her neck as my thumb caresses her cheek and I press my lips on hers. I loved the feel of her lips on mine. I always did but I wasn't going to admit that.

  Just as we were kissing the rain started to poor down.

  We pulled away for a second staring into each others eyes blinking away the water from our eyelashes. As our clothes get soaked but we go back to kissing more passionately all of worries and arguments fading away.

  A and I may fight a lot but I wouldn't trade it for the world and that's what love is.

  I picked her up and spun her around.

  I couldn't be more happy...

  My A.

Hey I know A and Hayden fight a lot but what couples don't have there complications from time to time? That's right the answer is none. The important thing is you're there for each other, loving, and supporting each other at the end of the day.

After this book is finished. I have another one in mind that I already have an idea for. It's kind of cliché, but I'm still not going to spoil it.

I hope you liked this chapter and tell me what do you think about Aria? Do you think she's going to leave them alone? Or is she going to get revenge. Well until next time.

Kaylia 💋

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