21. Finally

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Hayden's POV 🌴:

When we finally got home we were both exhausted.

I hugged A tightly as she came through the door I didn't want to let her go. She seemed like she was in pain so I let her go and asked "Are you ok?"

She shook her head and said "I'm just really sore. You were going really hard."

I kissed A softly and whispered on her lips "I'm sorry" I rubbed her cheek. "You can make it up to me if we can watch a movie" I laughed at how cute she was. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her against me she let out a soft breath as our bodies contacted.

I stared into her eyes with need as I said softly "I love you so much A...so much."

"I love you too" I pressed my lips against hers and I grabbed her butt pulling her in more on me. Suddenly, when she pulled away I knew something was wrong. Her face was scrunched up and she was gripping her chest. I went over to her and held her hand as I said "A are you ok? Is something wrong?" She gripped onto my hand as she told me "I'm fine it was just cramps." She leaned in towards me again and kissed me softly.

  I knew it wasn't just cramp something else was wrong but I don't want to push it.

  When we finally pulled away from each other A said "Are you ready for that movie?" I nodded my head and smiled as we walked to the living room.

  I grabbed A by the hand and spun her around. I pulled her close to me as I whispered "Your so beautiful and someday I want to marry you." She laughed a little and said "Corny" I rubbed her cheek with my thumb. I pulled her onto my lips as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a warm embrace. She kissed me back ever so lightly that she made my heart pound and we stayed in that moment for a while.

  We started into each others eyes as we both knew we meant everything to each other I held both of her hands.

  "Forget the movie A let's go to the beach and watch the sunrise." She laughed and shook her head as we headed back out the door running with each other.

  When we reached the car I turned on the radio and told A to pick a song. She picked With You by Chris Brown. She sung it perfectly and I couldn't help but listen to her angelic voice it was perfect.


  After about 5 minutes of driving...

  We reached the beach and we walked a long side of it. There was only a little light so we played around feeling the ocean and sand on our feet.

  I brought a big blanket and set it over the sand. A and I just admired the water.

  I turned to look at her and her eyes were glinting with fascination. She said "What do you think is at the end of this ocean?"

  I looked deeper down into the ocean searching for the answer but there was none. A continued "This world hasn't always been the best to me. I didn't have the nicest things or the perfect family but I had a heart and I had hope. I hoped that everything would be ok, I hoped that my life would turn out different in the future and it has but not the way I wanted it to be. Everything has been hard because I lost my dad he was the only family I had left."

  I looked at her and I couldn't help but listen it seemed she had more to say.

  Her was tender and still as she continued on to say "My dad used to bring me to this same exact beach when I was younger. He had told me stories about my mom and they had met here. He told me that they met by the dock one night when no one else was around. They were about my age and they dated. He proposed to her in college on sunrise." She laughed but I could hear the sadness and regret in her voice. "He said that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and that I reminded him of her. I just wish I could've met her."

  A held her head down and I knew she was thinking about her dad and mom. I comforted her as she said "I'd like to think they are at the end of this ocean watching the sunrise just like we are. They are happy and after all these years they are still in love."

  "A thank you for sharing apart of your childhood with me. I would've loved to meet your father. You are so amazing and this is how I know you can overcome anything. Your stronger than I am you have more power and you never let anyone take you for granted I love that. Let me be there for you and try to make things better." She chuckled and said "Thanks for being there for me Pinkie."

  "Anytime A you know I'm always here." She laid on my shoulder as she turned her attention to the ocean and I knew she was thinking about her parents. She is the most amazing girl I ever met and I can't wait to marry her.

  A came closer and put her legs on mine. I realized she had relaxed more and she closed her eyes softly.

  "A I'm sorry I kept you up all night." She smiled and said "I don't regret it. I enjoyed this day very much thank you Hayden."

  I laughed lightly as A fell asleep in my arms.

  "No problem A."

I think they needed this moment to just talk and love each other. Be there and think about everything in there life.

I hope you all enjoyed it. Until next time.

Kaylia 💋

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