19. Reunited

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Hayden's POV 🌴:

  I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was a Monday I hated Mondays.

  But the one thing that made it better was A. She was in my arms looking up at me and she said softly "Wake up sleepy head. We have to get to school."

  A gave me a sweet kiss on my neck as she nibbled on it a little. Her tongue is magic and it felt amazing when she kissed any part of me really.

  I surrendered and said "OK A you and your kisses win." She laughed softly and she looked at me.

  She came close to me I thought she was going to give me my good morning kiss but she didn't. Her lips brushed against mine into a peck and she smiled. That's when I knew she was teasing me and then she said "If you want the rest of that kiss you have to get me." A laughed and got up from the bed slowly her eyes still fixated on me. I got up quickly and started chasing her she ran all the way to the kitchen.

  She went to the other side of the counter as we played around like kids. We chased each other around the table. I finally psyched her out and I got a tight grip around her waist. I pulled her back against me and a small quiver escaped her lips. I kissed on her neck gently and asked "What if I give you another hickey?" She let out a soft moan and pulled away from me. I saw lust in her eyes that compelled me to move closer towards her but she stopped me and said "We need to get ready for school Hayden."

  I didn't care about school I wanted her and I could tell she wanted me too.

  But...eventually I had to stop. I took out school clothes as A was in the shower.

  When she came out her body was glistening with water and it took everything inside me not to rip her towel off her. My dick is out of control it's like it wants sex every time and it's driving me crazy because I can't handle myself around A.


  After about 10 minutes...

  We were both ready so we started on our way to school.

  A and I gave our goodbye kiss. We both headed separate ways I went to Justis and she went to Charmaine.

  I didn't want her to leave but I knew that maybe her friend needed her.

Alexandra's POV 🌴:

  I parted from Hayden and went to Charmaine.

  Her eyes looked puffy like she had been crying for hours. I sat next to her and asked "What's wrong Char?" She sniffled as she went on to say "Justis cheated on me." Her voice was soft with a saddened tone behind it.

  I said "I'll be right back Char." She nodded her head and fiddled with her thumbs. I went over to Hayden and Justis and they seemed as though they were talking about something important because they stopped talking as soon as I came close. Hayden wrapped his arm around my waist and I giggled a little and he smiled. I turned my attention to Justis and said "What did you do? I heard you cheated on Char." Justis rubbed his forehead and let out a heavy sigh. "I was drunk I didn't mean to cheat on Char I need her in my life and I would never hurt her on purpose."

  Justis never made eye contact with me once. He was just looking at Char. Until finally I said "Go for her if you really love her."

  He smiled at me and went towards Char as fast as he could.

  They talked as me and Hayden watched from a distance. Char seemed upset but she gave him time to say what he had to say then she yelled at him with all her might. Justis couldn't help himself so he kissed her and she kissed him back.

  Hayden laughed and said "I hope we never are like that."

  I pulled him close and kissed him hard then I whispered in his ear "I think we are something like them."

  "Fuck A" Hayden breathed out heavily. He grabbed my butt and pulled me in as he said softly "I want you so bad right." On impulse I licked my bottom lip and he kissed me really lightly as a way of savouring it.


  After a while we talked alone and a little after that the bell rang for the starting of school.

  The day went by slowly and it felt like torture. By the time it was for 6th period I went into the bathroom to pee then I heard voices and one of them sounded like Vanessa's so I waited.

  "I had sex with Hayden this weekend. He was really good as he always will be but he's dating that stupid bitch Alexandra" Vaness said. "I heard he's 10 inches" one girl said. "I heard he makes every girl do everything he says and they listen" another girl said.

  I felt so much anger coursing through my veins. I was relieved when the two girls walked out and left Vanessa in there. I came out of the stall and I saw that she was doing her makeup.

  I went up to her and said "Why are you such a lying bitch you know he didn't have sex with you." She laughed and said "That's what you think he told me I'm the best he's ever had." I wanted to hit her so hard it knocked off all of her mascara but I had to stay calm. I turned to walk away but I stopped when I heard her say "I know he doesn't love a whore like you and I fucked other guys than him he sucked. I just want the other girls to be jealous." I turned to look at her and said "Then stay away from him." Vanessa laughed and said "Oh I am but it's not me you have to worry about I'm moving this is my last day."

  I walked away from her and I thought he seriously has a lot of girls going after him.


  After all my classes ended I decided to go to the gym.

  While I pounded my fists into the punching bag my mind was clear and I kept on picturing Vanessa's face on it.

  My adrenaline was going faster I punched harder and harder each time.

  When I eventually stopped my knuckles were bleeding. I wrapped bandages around them but I didn't care about the pain I was going through much worse.

Thanks to all of the viewers and voters they really mean a lot. I write as much as I can and I try to make the chapters good enough for you guys so I hope you enjoy it.

Just a little hint Vanessa's time is over she was just a minor character in the story don't worry about her anymore. The real problem we should be worrying about is if Hayden and A will last. Until next time.

Kaylia 💋


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