32. The End?

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Alexandra's POV🌴:

  Hayden's right I have been getting worse.

  I feel like my days are shortening to an end, but at least I died knowing what love felt like. To truly know the feeling of when someone cares about you.

  Hayden has made me feel that way ever since the first day I saw him he made me see and feel things I had never before.

  Is it bad that I'm thinking of our future together? I don't want to think too far because we won't get to that. Maybe I should've broken his heart when I had the chance. It would've made things easier than to have let myself fall in love with him.

  What will happen when I leave? Will he find someone else?

  I shouldn't think about this it's making my brain hurt plus I already have my SAT to worry about.

  I jumped up from bed and realized that Hayden wasn't anywhere to be found. I guess he left for the test.

  I checked my phone the test wasn't for a few hours.

  I got in the shower really quickly.


10 minutes later...

  I got out of the shower and put on a pair of jeans, a red tank top, and put on sneakers.

  I thought maybe I should cook for Hayden and make him a little something something so he's not hungry during the test. I made him a cheesy omelet I remember I made it once and he finished in 2 seconds. I knew I was laughing because he eats like a kid and made a mess all over the table.

  Then he realized I was laughing and he tickled the crap out of me.  Hayden made me apologize of course he wouldn't stop tickling me, and then we started kissing.

  He is a really good kisser...

  I remember the first time we kissed I got a tingly feeling and I just kissed him back.

  My heart was pounding, and it felt like a rush and excitement was spreading throughout my body. When we pulled apart it was different between us and we both knew it.

  I'm pretty sure you know the rest. It feels like everything that happened between us changed me and made me believe that I could actually start a life with someone. It wouldn't just be about work and school to help provide for...dad and I. Hayden changed all my life plans to make it better, he made me believe that I could be happy for once.

  I saw pictures of mom and dad in the album they seemed so happy. They were in love and I could tell even from pictures.

  I could see the sadness in my dad's eyes it's like piece went missing after mom died. I don't want to do that to Hayden, and I just want to disappear before I make it worse.

  Being empty will leave you nothing but unhappiness, and I want that for Hayden.

  I realized I was still making the omelet and almost burnt it.

  I got it out of the pan and wrapped, putting it into tin foil to bring to him. I went to the restroom and put my hair into a bun. I quickly brushed my teeth, grabbed my purse, rest my phone and the omomelet gently in the purse, and started going towards the door. 

  I grabbed the keys and locked the door as I walked to my car.

  I have about 15 minutes until I have to be in the test room or I will get locked out.

  That will not look good on my resume. I got in the car and sped off like a lightning bolt.


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