30. Difference

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Hayden's POV 🌴:

I don't think this dinner is the right choice.

My dad will be there and I don't want to act out in front of A, but I guess she has to meet my dad sometime soon right.

I tried not to think much about it, but it wasn't working.

Something bad was going to happen because every time when I'm within inches close to him.

I know I'm going to regret this.


A few hours later...

A and I were both ready for the dinner, but I just didn't want to be close to my dad.

He's going to start something with me, and ruin what I have with my girl. I eased into A's arms as I first felt them, and I closed my eyes. She always knew what to do with me.

She said "I'm ready to meet the rest of your family" she gave me one of her sweet smiles and I swear I was on cloud nine.

This girl was going to be the death of me...

I felt her grip tighten around me as she hugged me for reassurance. I knew how she was because when she's nervous she always does this. I find it very cute on her and it makes me happy when she gets like this. It reassures me that she does need me, and that I have an important purpose in her life...to love her.


We drove together and A was singing beautifully as always.

I was humming along with her, but she made me sing. I saw her from the corner of my eye and she had the sweetest smile on her face.

As soon as we got there I immediately regretted it. I stopped dead in my tracks.

My dad was kissing my mom and I looked away. A noticed my disgusted look and came walking back to me. She gave me her sweet, small smile and she always makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

She rested her palm on my cheek and gave me her infectious half smile, where she tilts her head. She just looks at me with these eyes that I could never resist her when she did that. She slowly said "Will you do it for me?" I held her hand on my cheek and gave her a soft smile as I said "I'll do anything for you my A."

Her cheeks flushed in pink, and I looked at her in admiration.

She's just so beautiful.

As I was looking at her my eyes wondered down to her lips down to the rest of her body, and she brought my head back up.

A had a happy mood plastered on her face, and I love that look she gave me.

I leaned in to give A a passionate kiss, and I grabbed her by the waist. I pulled her body and her hips grinding against my body.

A had this little cute thing she did when she kiss me where she would bite and then kiss my lips.

I moved my lips away from her for a little to say "How about we go back in the car for a little bit?" She chuckled and said "We have to go to dinner with your family" A closed her eyes, breathed slowly, and tilted her head back.

I realized she does this when she's thinking.

I wanted to kiss her again, so I went in for it. All I was thinking during the kiss was that she has the best lips.

I kissed her stronger and gripped her body against me. I wanted to savor our kiss, but I couldn't. My brother interrupted us, and said "I think you two love birds should stop because we are getting impatient over here" I laughed, but A looked shy and nervous all over again.

I gripped onto her hand to reassure her that everything will be ok. I guess it was kind of a reassurance for me too.

After tonight my mom was going to hate me she shouldn't have brought him with her.

I walked in the room and went to the person behind the counter. I made the reservation here, so it was under my name. I smiled at the girl behind the counter and said "Williams" she was smiling at me.

The girl behind the counter said "Right this way sir" she led us to our table and continued on to say "I will be at the front desk if any of you need anything" the girl turned to me and winked.

My brother patted me on the shoulder and said "That girl was into you dude. You could've scored tonight, but too bad you have a girlfriend."

I turned to A and said "I wouldn't have it any other way" I went in to kiss A again. She rested her hands on my chest and kissed me back stronger than I was giving her.

We heard cheers all along the room and we pulled apart.

Someone was getting proposed to and it made me think about when I'll propose to A. I teased A as I said "Hey maybe someday that'll be us" I would've thought that she would punch me, but she just thought about it.

I knew it was about her sickness I went down to her ear and said "We are going to get to that. I'm going to make everything better."

I kissed her cheek softly and I pulled away to give her a smile.

My brother said "I need you to come to Paris and help me with the family firm."

"I can't I have my finals this week and then I have to graduate in two weeks. I also have A to take care of. I have responsibilities Mike."

"I know I meant after all that stuff and it won't take that long I just need you there for a few months. Just do me this favor." I felt anger rush through me and I said "You and dad are both the same thing you guys only care about the business. Well you know what I don't care about the business."

"Son there is no need for this just..."

"Just shut it dad! You hurt mom repeatedly and I don't know how she can be with a self obsessed son of a bitch like you. Thanks for everything to the both of you, but I will not be going into your footsteps and I never want to hear from neither of you again.

I held onto A's hands and ran to the car.

She said "Slow down killer that was crazy. I can't believe you did that."

"I want to take you on a proper date. What do you say?"

"Yes Pinkie."



Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been busy with school and track practices.

I tried my best to get a chapter out as fast as I can. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll try to get chapters out more frequently.

I want to thank all of the people who have been supporting me and reading all my chapters it means a lot. I especially want to thank these three people DanielFerrer937,AniyahPull,
And finally bicklepickle.

These three have been my major supporters and I thank them, but thank everyone that is reading this. I know this was really long, but I just wanted you guys to know. Well until next time.

Kaylia 💋

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