Chapter 32 - A New Plan / I'm Love With My Car / 1975 / Part 7

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October 1975

Michael POV

At the beginning of October I called Bella. She said she talked to Roger and he does not want to talk to me, he does not believe in my regret.

"I'm sorry, Michael, but Roger does not want to talk to you. I can not do anything else. I will not dwell on this subject with my boyfriend. I do not want to ruin my relationship with him. If one day Roger decides to forgive him, he will find a way to find him. Said Bella.

- Ok Bella. I understand your point of view. You're right not to insist. I do not want you to undermine your relationship with Roger. Anyway, thank you very much for everything, for trying to help me. She said to Bella.

- No need to thank. Be happy and start your life again. You're still very young. Be happy. "Bella hung up the phone.

Damn it. A thousand times dope. The plan did not work out. I communicated to the boss and to Luke.

- Shit! Something has to be done! I want to break up with the romance of Bella and Roger. I want to end his career, "Luke said irritably.

"And we'll be done, something will be done," said the dealer. "We have to think of another plan to get Roger's money and harm Roger and Isabella's courtship.

"I'll think of something and we'll put a new plan in place," Luke said. "Meanwhile, I'll pretend I'm just a friend of Bella's, that I do not care about her relationship with Roger.

"You'll have Bella back, Luke," I said to him. "And we'll have all the money Roger gets for Queen."

POV Roger

Beginning of October. Bella commented to me that Michael called her. My girlfriend told him I do not want to talk to him today or ever. Michael has never been a real father to me. He's a stranger to me. What he did to me, my mother and my sister were of great monstrosity. I have scars in my heart even today. I will never forget everything I spent with him, the nights in plain, crying, not sleeping, afraid he would kill my battered mother or do something to myself or my little sister Clare. I suffered a lot of psychological, emotional, physical pressure. I will never forget this nightmare. But on the day I'm a parent, I'll be a loving, caring father to my son or daughter. I dream of having two children: a boy and a girl and I really want Bella to be the mother of my children. I want to marry her, have a family with her in the future.

After Bella talked to Michael, she was with me in my apartment on Saturday and said excitedly:

"My love, tomorrow when you make feijoada for us and our friends, I'll show the boys my song, it's called I'm Love With My Car.

- A song that talks about cars, my love? She said with a smile. "Oh, my kitty, you really are passionate about speed.

She smiled and kissed me on the lips and I smiled back.

"I'm in love with cars, my love, you know that. Soon I'll start running my kart, I'll see some places, "I said, smiling.

"Love, it's dangerous, I worry about you," Bella said, running her hand through my hair.

"It is not, my princess. You will see! I said kissing her on the lips. "I'll sing the song for you and see if you like it."

I picked up my guitar that was in my room and tuned it. She watched me smiling. After I tuned the guitar, I handed the lyrics to her, on a sheet. I already knew the letter of color.

- I'm going to play the guitar and sing my love, follow the letter for the role. I said smiling.

Then I began to sing:

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