Never Discuss It

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


"He may have my body for the night but he'll never have my heart." Even Danielle's last words couldn't comfort me in the moment.

I spent most of the night drinking, there was no way that I could sleep knowing that my wife was with another man and that I had went along with it!

My stomach was in knots wondering what she was doing, if she was okay, if she was being harmed in anyway and worst of all if she was enjoying the night?

The fact that I, as a man, didn't stand up in that meeting and stop the agreement as it was being signed at my attorney's office, only made me that much more upset with myself.

While sitting there I wanted so badly to rip up the documents but I allowed Danielle to convince me that this was something she had to do for us.

My best friend from childhood, Corey Phillips, who was also our attorney, added even more pressure on me to go through with the deal, citing it would change our lives forever and that it meant nothing.

At Corey's office, only Odell's attorney showed up, everyone involved was at the meeting but OBJ himself. I wanted him to be there because I wanted to face the man who was willing to pay a million dollars to sleep with my wife!

The lawyers went over the confidentiality agreement and the actual payment agreement. Everything went as smooth as if we were buying a car. As the attorneys went over technicalities I blocked out most of what they were saying and tried to convince myself that one night didn't mean that they were going to actually have sex!

Maybe he just wanted someone to talk to? I convinced myself just to get through the meeting.

Danielle held on to my hand firmly the entire time, I could tell that she was nervous.

After our meeting with Odell's attorney was concluded I gave Danielle a hug and Odell's attorney quickly whisked her away.

It was then that my mother's beautiful face flashed in front of me telling me "not to do this" helping me to wake up from my temporary insanity.

I realized that no matter what Corey or Danielle convinced me of, that I couldn't give away my wife like that. I would rather live out on the street starving than to allow another man to be with her.

I immediately took off running after her, but she along with his attorney had already gotten in a car and left the building.

I took a taxi to The Venetian where I was pretty sure the coward was waiting for her, but imagine my surprise when the front desk told me that he had already checked out and had received transportation via a helicopter.

Corey tried to also call his attorney but he didn't answer his phone, legally he had no reason to because the deal had already been signed.

I had no way of contacting Danielle directly because part of the agreement was that her cell phone would be turned off from noon to noon, the entire duration of the agreement.

While panicking in the passenger seat of Corey's car, I recalled the night before when we were at a private party that Odell held in his suite.

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