My Comfort Zone

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


"Chris, please get up." I told him feeling completely blown away by what he had just done.

When I agreed to meet with him this was the last thing that I was expecting.

"Dee, I just proposed to you." He said reminding me.

"I know and I am asking you to please get up."

He closed the ring box and slid back on the bench next to me.

"When I agreed to meet with you, it wasn't for any of this." I told him nodding at the ring.

"Then why did you agree to meet with me?"

"I wanted to tell you face-to-face that I am moving to New Jersey next month."

"New Jersey?" He asked scrunching up his face and putting the ring box back in his pocket. "Why New Jersey and why so far away?"

"I got hired at a real estate firm there and I decided that I wanted to take it."

"All the way in New Jersey? You don't know anybody out there...except..." He looked up at me with confusion.

"I originally applied for positions there because of him, but this move is no longer about him." I told him. "When they first called to hire me, my initial instinct was to turn the job down and stay in San Diego, but then I realized that I wanted to do something different. I wanna make new experiences and live somewhere new, so I decided to give it a shot. I figure if I don't like it, I can always move back to Cali."

"But your family, your friends...everybody is here in California." He said again with concern on his face.

"I need to be out of my comfort zone. I've always relied on you and my family." I said pointedly. "I want to rely on Danielle for once and see what that's like."

"Dee, if this is about moving across the country, I will pick up and move with you," He said taking my hand. "I want my wife back."

"But that's not what I want Christian." I removed my hand from his grasp. "You are so much like your dad, you believe so strongly that you can only ever love one woman."

"You don't love me, Dee?"

"Chris, you know that is not true." I told him gently. "It's just not that easy to explain either."

"Help me understand."

"These past few months I thought a lot about me and you. I even considered getting back together with you," I looked at him, "but it would have all been for the wrong reasons."

"What reasons?"

" don't know how to just be friends!" I sighed. "A long time ago a meditation counselor that I was working with asked me some questions about you and it took me a long time to really answer her." I expressed letting him in on some of my new growth. "She asked me why did I need you so much and I told her that it was because I loved you and didn't know my life without you in it." I recalled the conversation at the retreat as I retold it to him. "And I will never forget what she told me..."

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