See Something You Like

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

       I looked out the back window of the Black Cadillac Escalade we were riding in after leaving Drake's party. I was still shook from what had just happened with Christian. After all this time he had the nerve to come out of nowhere demanding to talk to me! And while drunk! How did he even know where to find me?

I felt Odell place a hand on my thigh and squeeze, just like me, he didn't have any words. We spent most of the drive riding in silence left alone with our own thoughts.

I finally turned to look at him. "Are you sure that they are gonna get him home safely?" I asked.

I had never seen Christian in that bad a shape and I did not want him driving to his place in that condition.

Odell met my eyes, his voice was low and controlled. "He is bein' driven home right now."

"Thank you." I said offering him a small smile before turning back to look out the window.

I replayed what had happened earlier, one minute we were enjoying Drake's party, the next, Christian was at the gate screaming my name.

When I first heard him call my name I was so stunned that I began to try and walk towards where he stood on the other side of the gate, but Odell stopped me, telling me that if he was in my past that he had to stay in my past.

He was right, but I also explained to him that Christian didn't look right and that no matter what we were going through as a couple, I had to make sure that he was okay.

Odell finally agreed but told me he was was coming with me just in case he did or said anything out-of-pocket to me. I wanted to argue that the Christian I knew wouldn't do anything like that, but I didn't know who the Christian standing in front of me was!

The more Christian talked through the gate, the angrier Odell got. I kept reminding him that Christian was drunk and desperate just to calm him down.

I had never seen Odell angry like he was after that confrontation. For me, he asked one of the bodyguards to drive him home since he was in no condition to. I appreciated that fact about him, that he could see past his anger to do the right thing.

Rather than pulling into my apartment complex, we were turning into his San Diego home, he was still seething so I didn't say anything.

We had been dating for almost a month. The fact that I was still legally married bothered me and made me resistant in many ways.

I had long given up on wondering about Christian, I had finally come to terms that our marriage was over. I had even went to see an attorney the week before to start the process for a divorce.

I wasn't doing it because I was seeing Odell, but because my husband had basically deserted me. I was in this marriage alone and that wasn't fair. Odell just happened to be in my life as I made this decision.

According to my attorney Christian was going to be getting served the papers in a few weeks. Which made his appearance out of nowhere that much more confusing.

When the car pulled to a stop. I waited for the driver to open our door. After Odell got out, he helped me step out of the SUV. He had talked me into wearing this open back green romper and though I thought it was really cute, it was also really short. I could feel the light wind brushing against my ass as I bent to get out.

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