I'm Not Going Anywhere

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


"Great architecture is only going to come from your passion. And even that won't assure you a job." I told my class of thirty students at Southwestern Technical Academy.

After I couldn't find a job as an architect full-time at another firm, I got a little creative and started looking for other jobs in the field.

I found a position teaching at an entry level architecture class at Southwestern Technical Academy.

I had never considered teaching, but when I realized that I met all of the minimum requirements I took the job. It didn't pay as much as what I made as an architect at McMillan Design Group but the salary equaled a little more than what I made working the two part jobs. I was tired of making pizza and this was at least in the field that I loved.

"Louis Kahn died in a restroom at Penn Station and for days no one claimed the body." I continued to tell my eager students. I had only been doing this job for two weeks but already I loved what I did. I got to be around architecture all day!

I pointed my red pen at the projector screen, "look at that. Isn't that beautiful."

The classed ooo'd and ahh'd at the picture.

"The great ones are impossible to deal with. They're a pain in the ass because they know that if they do their jobs properly, that if they just this once get it right, that they can actually lift the human spirit...take it to a higher place." I said excitedly. "That is the beauty of what architecture can do."

My class was now hanging on my every word and I knew that I was in my element. It was the most alive I had felt in months and I was grateful for that feeling. I held up a brick to my class.

"What is this?"

"A brick." They yelled back at me.

"Good. What else?"

"A weapon," one student shouted out.

"Louis Kahn once said that even a brick wants to be something." I looked at each of their faces, taking in how interested they were. "A brick wants to be something," I repeated to allow the words to sink in. "Even a common, ordinary brick wants to be something more than what it is. It wants to be something better than what it is." I pointed at each of them. "That is what we must be going into this field and with every area of our lives. I'll see you all next Friday."

I looked off to the side and saw Corey. I hadn't really spent much time with my friend so I was surprised to see him at my new job.

"A brick wants to be something, huh?" Corey asked walking over to me as I gathered my things.

"I'll bet it doesn't wanna be a lawyer." I told my best friend with a half laugh then gave him dap and a half hug.

"Excuse me Mr. Suarez," a young blonde said standing in front of us biting her lip.

"How can I help you Kerry," I asked her, ignoring Corey.

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