Trust Us On This One

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

It was the Thursday, four days before Christmas and I was in Philadelphia watching the Giants play the Eagles. Odell was serious about asking me to travel to his games and had practically begged me to come to this one. I told myself if I was going to try and make things work with him, I had to try. That's just how I am and how Christian and I lasted so long. I worked to make my relationships work no matter. If Odell messed up again, then I convinced myself I was done for good. At least that's what I told myself.

I decided to spend all of my holiday break leave with him. My mom really wanted me to go home for Christmas because she said she was really worried about me and after talking to Christian, she felt strongly like I needed to be around family. I told her that I would come visit the day after New Year's Day. She called me almost everyday since that conversation hoping to change my mind.

After this game the Giants didn't have another game until New Year's Day when they played the Washington Redskins. Odell would be facing a player he hated more than any other player in the NFL, Josh Norman. Whenever his name was brought up, a scowl would always cross Odell's face.

"Girl, your man just caught a touchdown!" One of the girlfriends whose name I couldn't remember and whose boyfriend I couldn't point out in a line-up told me.

It wasn't that I didn't want to know her name, it was just that there were so many players and many of them interchanged women like briefs and some would even bring more than one girl to the game! So I wasn't sure who was who and rather than say the wrong name I chose not to learn them, except for the select few I saw more often.

I missed Odell's touchdown but played it off and hoped that they would replay it so that I could tell him I saw it. They did replay it in the family suite on the overhead tv and it was actually an incredible catch. When he was in a zone, he was really in a zone and that translated on and off the field.

"You better pay attention or you won't hear the end of it." Elaine Watley, Victor Cruz's longtime girlfriend/ fiancée/ baby mama said.

Odell had given me the background of their relationship and from what I knew I couldn't see how she was still here and still with him. Then again people around me and Christian before we were married, friends and family, used to get frustrated with our back and forth tendencies too so I had no room to talk.

"Trust us on this one." Chanel Iman, Sterling Shepherd's supermodel girlfriend added.

I had seen Chanel on tv and in magazines before, but Chanel was even more beautiful in person with a personality to match. Her and Shep made a really cute couple and seemed genuinely happy together. She was normally always in a good mood. Elaine's happiness on the other hand, seemed to come with some hesitation and lingering sadness.

"If you can't report their big 'catches' back play-by-play, they will wear your ear out about not paying attention to the game or supporting them." Elaine went on.

"I missed one of Sterling's catches once and I could tell it really bothered him." Chanel shared. "He tried to play it off but it changed the mood for the rest of the night."

"It doesn't matter if the entire state of New York was cheering for them, if we miss something we are gonna hear it." Elaine informed us. "They are like big babies and as their biggest cheerleaders, they expect more from us."

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