We Need This

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

A month had flown by since our infamous trip to Las Vegas and things still had not gotten back to normal between us.

When we returned to San Diego, we tried to pay off the $22K debt on our home only to find out that the bank had already foreclosed on our house and sold it to someone else.

Talk about additional heartbreak!

They claimed that they gave us a two day notice to pay the debt immediately, but it just happened to be the days that we were in Vegas trying to win the money!

They told us that wasn't their problem and that we shouldn't have been behind 90 days on our rent in the first place.

And they were right, but that still didn't lessen the hurt.

Once we realized that the sale of the house was final, Christian seemed different. He refused to touch any of the dirty money in our account and so I soldiered on to take care of all of our other affairs.

With the money I paid off all of our debt which included schools loans, credit cards, and other bills related to our old home. I bought and paid for in cash, a Kia Optima to replace the car we lost when we were going through our downward financial spiral. He didn't want to have anything to do with the car either.

Since we lost our home we had to move into a three bedroom apartment, we had jacked our credit up so bad in the past year that we almost didn't even get that. I paid a six month up front deposit to get it.

I didn't blow through our new money I kept the bulk of it in our savings account for our next rainy day. I did however buy the things that we needed to get ourselves on our feet, but I had to do it all by myself.

Christian was still not able to find a job in the field of architecure, but he became so desperate to start bringing in income that he went and got two jobs.

During the day he worked in the kitchen for Luigi's Pizzeria and at night he stocked groceries at Ralph's Supermarket. We saw less and less of each other and walked on egg shells when talking to each other.

Shortly after getting his new jobs he even went and opened a new joint account preferring to only use money from that new account. He told me to keep all of the the money inside of the other account, and it made me feel guilty.

I didn't want to use any of Odell's money, but in some instances we had no other choice. I know I was more thankful for having it, because Lord knows where we would be if we didn't.

On somewhat of a brighter side, the real estate marked had improved a little and I had sold two moderate-sized homes that month so I was able to bring in a decent income.

I looked out of our window for the umpteenth time.

Christian was getting off of work at midnight and I was anxiously awaiting his arrival. I couldn't take the tension between us anymore so I decided that we should go out dancing as a couple. We hadn't done it in so long that the thought alone had me excited. We both needed some type of relief from everything we had been through.

I had gotten dressed up and put on my highest heels on. The minute Christian walked through the door I jumped into his arms.

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