Out Of All The Women In The World

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


"I know you told me not to contact you about Dee unless there was an emergency-"

"Is Dee okay?" I asked immediately forgetting about the personal architecture project I was working on and going into a panic.

My best friend couldn't even look me in the eyes. "Well, physically she's fine," he continued stalling.

"Just say it, Corey!" I snapped wanting him to get it out already.

"Danielle is seeing him."

"Him who?" Though I had a pretty good idea who him was. I still wanted to hear Corey say it. I had become like that lately.

I had not talked to my wife in months, it wasn't because I didn't want to, it was because I had to get myself together. She deserved so much better than how I had been treating her.

After I moved out of Corey's place I found myself a small one bedroom apartment outside of San Diego, it wasn't much but it was what I could afford.

I refused to take any of that money from Dee, I wanted her to be okay and to have a security blanket just in case she needed it.

I on the other hand was close to hitting rock bottom, it felt like I was simply treading water rather than living. I didn't want Dee to see me like this so only my dad and Corey knew where to find me.

I also didn't want to hurt Dee anymore.

The Christian I was before the Vegas trip would never snoop in her bag, would never go through her phone or say half the things I said to her. Before I could be a husband to her, I had to find that Christian again, not only for Dee but also for myself.

In my free time I would work on various architectural projects, as ideas came to me I continued working on my craft even though I wasn't working in it.

The rest of my time was spent at my two temp jobs and also sending out my resume all over California. I couldn't find anything, the market was still dried up but I held out hope that things would turn around soon and that I would catch a break.

"You know what him I'm referring to and you told me not to say his name around you, remember?" Corey reminded me.

"How do you know?" I asked closing my eyes and imagining them together.

Not my Dee!

"He posted some pictures of them together on his Twitter and IG pages."

"Doing what?"

"Nothing really, just them being together," Corey answered standing over me. He looked as if he was terrified to tell me the news because he thought I was going to do something to myself. "She seems happy Chris. I think you might have waited to long."

"Are you tryna tell me that you think she's falling for this guy?" I looked up at him with disbelief.

"I'm tryna tell you that if you want any chance at getting your wife back that you better do something now because he has moved in on your territory and you gave him free access to do it when you walked out of that door."

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