The Right Thing

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


"I can't sleep Chris." I remembered waking my husband up in the middle of the night.

"What's wrong Dee?" He asked sitting up in the bed.

"I just keep thinking about it."

"What about it?"

"Christian, I think that I should do it." I said searching his face for a reaction.

"What are you talking about?"

"We should at least talk seriously about it," I stressed knowing we had no other options in front of us.

"I don't want you to do it!" He had told me definitively.

"But you would let me do it?"

"No!" He reiterated just as upset as his last answer.

"But I would," I stressed wanting him to really hear my heart, "I'd do it for you."

"For me?" He said in shock, "I can't even believe we are even talking about this!"

"Think about what this money could do for us?" I pleaded with him. "We could save our home, you could pay your dad back, we could get rid of all of our debt..."

"Dee, listen to yourself!" He said adamantly shaking his head.

"Chris, it wouldn't mean anything!" I said moving to my knees next to him since he had turned his back to me, "it's just my body." I touched his back but he stiffened, "it's not my mind, it's not my heart...only you have access to all of me."

I couldn't get Odell's offer out of my head and though I wish it didn't come down to this I wanted to really consider the benefits of this money. A million dollars could save us, it could help us hit reset in our financially strained life and allow us to do things the right way.

"We'd just have to forget it ever happened," I continued explaining to him how this could work, "and never discuss it, not even once."

"Dee you make this sound so easy..." Christian continued to shake his head skeptically.

"This will mean nothing to me," I rubbed my hand along his hair-roughened face. "He means nothing to me."

He still didn't answer me so we called his best friend Corey for a third opinion. We had shared the proposal with him and together we finally convinced Christian to go along with it. Corey called over to Odell's attorneys that night and that next morning we were in his office signing the deal.

Now here we were after the night lying in our hotel bed and I felt horrible, as if I had done something more than what we had agreed to. When Odell gave me the "out" to not sleeping with him I should have taken it, but honestly my curiosity had gotten the best of me. I felt paralyzed to his seduction.

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