Not Gonna Let Anyone Hurt You

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

"I need for you to tell me how we can spin this before it gets out of hand." Odell told his lawyer on the phone while I looked on.

It was mid-June and we were in New York so that he could attend the Giants' mandatory minicamp. He had one more day of minicamp to go before we were going to fly back to San Diego with plans to finish his individual workouts for the upcoming season there.

I was in his condo relaxing on the couch when I got a text from my sister that I was TMZ news and when I saw the headline my stomach dropped to my feet.

My first thought was that Christian did this, that this was his way of getting back at me and Odell. I called and sent messages for hours before he finally responded back to me.

Odell was in camp so he found out the news from a few reporters, he would later tell me when driving from practice. He said he played stupid and laughed the questions off in the moment but once inside the car he wanted answers.

The confidentiality agreement and formal contract had not been leaked, so far everything was still hearsay and accusations from one "source." That was the good news, the bad news was that social media didn't care about actual facts, hearsay was enough for them to drag me and create memes and gifs of me and Odell using scenes from the movie "Pretty Woman" as well as DJ Khaled's Do You Mind video. I was mortified by the entire situation.

Things between Odell and I had gotten to a really great place, the relationship we had been building on since March when we started over as friends was solid. I had seen a different side to him and was finally comfortable in our love. And then this came out and blew everything up.

"Okay," I heard him say to his lawyer, "when you find out make sure you lemme know first."

After he ended his call he walked over to me and pulled me into his arms. "I don't want you stressing about this."

"My reputation is done." I told him as tears trickled down my face. "This is gonna follow me for the rest of my life." I told him feeling like my life was over when for the first time in my life it felt like I was actually living!

"Baby, people talk about me every damn day." He said rocking me. "You've seen the stuff they say about me and I don't let what they say bother me."

I tried to find comfort in his words but I couldn't, I tried to relax in his chest but I couldn't stop trembling. My phone had been blowing up and I refused to talk to anybody.

"I didn't do anything to her, why would she do this to me?" I asked him as if he held the answers.

Finding out Shannon was the one who talked to TMZ came with mixed emotions. On one hand I could understand her need for revenge, on the other hand I wanted to kill her for doing this to me. I had backed off, I had no communication with Chris at all.

"Some people are miserable where they are and they want you to be miserable along with them." He responded rubbing his hand up and down my back trying to still my body. "Don't let her or anyone think that they knocked you down."

"Easy for you to say..." I mumbled.

"We had plans to go out to eat tonight, we are gonna still go out and act like nothing happened." He told me calmly. "Can you do that?"

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