I'm Proud Of You

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


It's funny to me how much can happen in just four months! It was the week after Thanksgiving and I was back in San Diego. My dad told me that getting through the first holiday was rough and he was right, my thoughts kept going to what Danielle was doing and if she was even thinking about me. I was tempted to call her but I stopped myself.

I ended up spending the holiday alone with my dad, normally we had dinner with her huge family, so it did feel weird. We just watched football and ate some food that I had picked up from a local restaurant.

I wasn't exactly sitting around lonely, pining after Danielle, I was actually moving on with my life.

After that night of drinks with my co-workers I began to hang out with them more and more and found myself building a closer friendship with Shannon.

Eventually, we started branching off from the group and hanging out alone. I was honest with her about Danielle and the fact that I wasn't over her and she told me that she felt I was worth waiting for.

At least somebody thought so.

Shannon had invited me to have Thanksgiving dinner with her and her family but I didn't think that was a good idea. Instead, we made plans to hang out after the holiday, just the two of us.

I'm not going to lie I was starting to grow some feelings for her, she just had one of those contagious personalities that made you want to be around her. She was an incredible woman inside and breathtakingly to look at on the outside.

I didn't want to lead her on or hurt her so I wasn't going to take that next step with her until I was completely sure that I was over Danielle. At the moment I still wasn't and Shannon respected my honesty.

The one thing I did like about Shannon was the fact that she didn't mind helping me to navigate through the darkness of a broken heart.

There were nights that I wanted to call Danielle, that I wanted to just talk to her, but I would end up calling Shannon instead and she would let me vent to her. She never judged me and she always made me feel better after I got off the phone. When I was ready to move on, it was definitely going to be with her.

I walked up to her apartment and knocked on the door. It opened a minute later.

"Ahhhh, you caught me!" She joked holding the door open for me to come inside. "I haven't finished getting ready, so can you give me fifteen minutes to finish up in the bathroom."

"Go ahead and do watchu gotta do." I told her making myself comfortable on her couch.

We had spent a few nights hanging out at her place watching movies so I knew my way around her apartment.

"I'll be right back." She said leaving the room, "I'm tryna get this hair to figure out what it wants to do so I can be done with it." She yelled from the room.

"Girls and their hair." I yelled back shaking my head.

One thing I knew about Black women is that they didn't play when it came to their hair and they took getting their hair done seriously.

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