For The Second Time

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


"Christian, over here!" A photographer called my name and I looked in his direction so that he could get the pictures that he wanted.

After the ESPN interview I had to hire an agent because things got a little crazy for me. I didn't know what the world saw when they looked at me, all I knew was that they were treating me as if I was some type of celebrity.

I no longer worked at the Academy teaching, I had been quickly hired by an architecture firm based in L.A. They worked it out so that I could work out of my apartment in San Diego, creating my designs there while only commuting to L.A. for important meetings and things. I guess that was the only good thing to come out of all this.

Everything was looking up for me and I was finally beginning to feel as if things were now working out in my favor.

My agent had been booking me for club appearances and interviews allowing me to finally see money that I had not been used to seeing. Who knew people would pay you $5,000 to $10,000 just to smile and wave at a drunk crowd! I took advantage of every opportunity that was coming my way and actually having fun in the process.

I was currently in L.A. at an ABC network red carpet event. Producers from The Bachelor were trying to woo me into becoming their next bachelor because of my new found fame.

I honestly couldn't see what the big deal was, I was still just a regular guy! They all believed I was this sensitive and romantic guy after my interview and the show felt that was exactly their target audience- hopeless romantics.

They told me that they were going to use the fact that my wife left me for Odell Beckham Jr. as part of the promotion to roll out my announcement and that was the part of it that we all couldn't come to agreement on.

Even though I know it was because of Beckham's celebrity that people wanted to hear anything I had to say, I didn't want to spend my life being associated with him or remaining in his shadow. He had his lane and I had mine.

Singers, actors, models, and reality stars alike were all hitting me up. It was new territory for me and I was still getting used to all of this newfound attention. I was trying my best to keep my head straight and not get caught up.

It had been almost a month since I heard from Dee and with the controversy surrounding us and the million dollar contract now news of the past, we really had no other reason to interact with each other.

She was with Odell and I wanted to move on with my life and thought being on the Bachelor show could be the stepping stone. I didn't really believe I could actually find love that way, but I thought the entire experience might be fun.

"Do you have a comment on the break-up of your ex-Danielle Allen and Odell Beckham Jr." Someone asked me putting a mic in front of my face.

"I didn't know they had broken up." I answered honestly stunned by her question and thinking this was maybe misinformation.

In order to move on I tried my best not to keep up with anything going on with them. I had been so busy with my new job and the bookings my agent had me on that I really didn't pay attention to the current news surrounding them.

"Neither have confirmed the reports, but Odell has been posting pictures on his Instagram page with captions that lead us all to believe that they are no longer together. They haven't been photographed together for weeks." She went on.

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