Stop Talking

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

"Well?" I repeated pushing himself up against the backboard forcing her to have to sit up as well.

" didn't really think you were serious about just giving me a million dollars for nothing." She said with hesitation.

"Danielle," I began, staring her directly in the eyes, "I told you more than once that night that we didn't have to go through with it." I paused and decided to answer the question for her. "You wanted to have sex with me, whether the money was on the table or not."

It was both a statement and a question that I wanted her to confirm.

"Why are we talking about this now?" She asked her eyes filled with anxiety, "that happened a long time ago."

She began to try and scoot her body away from me as if she wanted to get off the bed. I grabbed her by the waist and carefully pulled her back towards me and then placed her across my lap like a baby.

"Just tell me," I told her. This to me was a long overdue conversation that we needed to have. "I'm not gonna judge you, I just wanna know."

I felt that her body was still tense so I followed my words with a kiss to the lips.

She looked away from me as if she couldn't find it in her to admit the obvious and that made me look at her a little differently.

Then she looked up at me with regretful eyes, "I've only ever been with him before."

"You mean as as a boyfriend, right?"

There was no way she was saying what I thought she was.

"No," she said and I could the seriousness in her eyes. "I've only been sexual with Christian."

"So he was your first and everything?" I asked.

She nodded.

I learned one thing early on in my life and that was to never to ask a girl her number. They either lied about it or it started a fight. This new information blew me away.

"So you've never experimented with anybody else until me?" I shook my head, "not even in college?"


"Damn, Dani." Now I felt conflicted about that night. She wasn't a virgin but in a way she practically was. "That just makes me even more confused about that night. Why did you go through with it?"

"I guess," she started then stopped, "I don't know what to call what was going through my head. I wanted to my mind I tried to leave," then she looked up at me, "but I couldn't."

"You wanted that night just as much as I did." I still wanted her to admit that out loud.

She looked away again, "I did..."

"Does he know that?"

"He picked up on it." She said with sadness in her voice.

"Look at me," I asked her.

I was nobody's rebound or experiment so we were going to clear some things up right now.

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