Chapter 98

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"I expect a thirteen page paper on the properties of the Mandrake Restorative Draught by Monday– if it's not turned in, that's not my problem. Announcement of our choices for advanced Healer training will be sent out this weekend, so applicants make certain the hospital has your current address. Those who do not reply within twenty-four hours will have their position given to the next in line."

"Because what does hard work matter if you're tardy?" Theo mumbled from beside me, quill scratching down the information regardless. I rolled my eyes, my own quill tapping uselessly against my paper– I'd just borrow Theo's notes if I needed them. Honestly, that had been my sole studying plan for the past few days, having taken up the habit of day dreaming between (or admittedly, during) St. Mungo's mandatory lectures for trainees.

It'd been sixteen days since I'd married Draco, and fourteen since he'd gone back to school. Twelve since I'd gone back to training. 

Three days since I realized every lecture spoken was on things I had already learned while healing the students of Hogwarts a year ago.

"Be here eight AM sharp Monday morning. I'll see you all then," Healer Dryslin said, flicking his wrist in a dismissive gesture towards the door. The room filled with the sounds of books closing and satchels being filled, and I sighed as I followed suit, slipping my books into my bag– a Christmas gift from the Lupins– and pulled it over my shoulders, its weight eased by magic.

"This almost makes me miss poking at spleens," Theo told me as we filed out of the room, brows furrowed low over his eyes. I let out a soft snort.

"Well, I think we're going to be back to that next week, so you're in luck."

Theo made a face that clearly conveyed he did not consider it luck.

But then, luck hadn't really been our thing the past week.

Really, I blamed it all on living in an apartment whose residents had all had their significant others sent away from them on the same day. Temperaments were bound to be a little high– even Lavender, who much preferred to be cheerful and nonchalant about the whole thing, had gotten a bit of the sniffles.

Theo, on the opposite end of the spectrum, had been perfectly content to mope in bed until I dragged him out of it on Monday morning.

And myself? I was... doing okay. My fingers tended to drift towards my ring a little bit more, touching over the silver and stones as if to reassure myself it was there. Draco had wanted to purchase a smaller band while in Paris, but I had refused– Lavender would have noticed the second I arrived home that I was wearing more jewelry.

"Can we go to the Leaky Cauldron tonight?" Theo asked as we walked, grabbing coats and pulling them over our uniforms. "I need to be reminded there's life outside the hospital."

"I think we're on the same page," I told him with a grimace. "I'll send Lavender a message at work– she'll meet us there, I bet."

"If you're certain," Theo said. "Has she seemed a bit out of sorts to you lately?"

"Just tired. I'm sure she misses Seamus," I told him, shivering under the cold air as we stepped out onto the streets. It was easy to fall instep alongside the muggles, and I shoved my fingers deep into the pockets of my oversized peacoat– a gift from Sirius, as it were. "I think it's for the best we all get out– it's not going to do us any good moping around. As cathartic as it may seem."

"At least I never cried," Theo mumbled, giving me a knowing look. I frowned at him, nose crinkling up as we paused at a crosswalk.

"That was one time." Admittedly, one time that had lasted quite awhile, but– "I was sad. I'd just said goodbye to Draco for who knows how long. I'm still not recovered, actually. I just haven't had the time to cry again."

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