Chapter 8

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Deep breath in... and out. I was standing outside the Russian Mafia's Japanese base.

"I can do this." I tell myself. After Victor and Yurio left during lunch, we were left in awkward silence. Yuko turned to me, "Well then... I guess have fun?... I'll tell your dad where you are when we get back." I smiled gratefully at her, she always knew how to break the silence. We soon went back to the conversation we had before Victor and Yurio interrupted, but all I could think about was Victor Nikiforvo...

Victor did not show up for class the rest of the day, but I got a text from a unknown number. It gave me an address and time and date... with a lot of emojis and random Russian words. I could only guess that it was Victor. I won't even ask how he got my number. Probably from Phichit... not that I'm complaining or anything... it's just weird how some one like Victor would want to be around someone like me...

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I go up to the door and ring the door bell. I hear a crash followed by a volley of Russian word...(which may have been swear words I couldn't tell, but they sounded angry) Then I heard even more raised voices. Then silence. At thIs point I almost already decided to turn around an head home, but the door opens.

"Ugh, so it actually is you," I hear a voice call to me.

I turn around and see the blonde angry child. "Hi Yurio... is Victor home?... cause if he's not then I'll go home..."

"Yep that's exactly what you should do. Go home, he's not here.. he has... err... he has... explosive diarrhea..." improvises Yurio... anything to get me to leave

"Ok...guess I should go," I say. Suddenly there is a buzz behind me. I turn and see Yurio on the ground clutching his wrist.

"Kami, I was just joking Victor, gosh can't you even take a little joke?" He says into the microphone in his wrist. He is jolted again. "Well clearly not" Yurio says scowling, rubbing is swore arm. "Yuri, I was lying Victor is waiting in the kitchen, he told me to get you."

I follow Yurio into the base. I pass through the fence and under the archway and end up in a quad. There is a beautiful lush garden in the middle with cobble stone paths leading in all directions. Yurio cuts across the quad and I following him into a newer looking part of the building complex.

I look around and notice how empty the place is. However from the corner of my eyes I see shadows move, stop and watch me as I cross the quad.

Yuri leads me through several twisting hallways and we end up in the kitchen.

"Here's your delivery," Yurio does a mock bow to Victor.

Victor sets down the bowl he was mixing, and wipes his hands on his apron. Ignoring Yurio, Victor walks over to me and envelopes me into a hug.

"Hey I exist too." Said Yurio, "I could use a little bit of love too."

Victor shots him a dirty look

"Okay, okay, I was just joking sheesh!"

"Well Yurio, do you want a hug?" Asks Victor, who is still hugging me.

Yurio scrunched his nose, "eww no, who would want to hug you?"


"No way, not if hell was freezing over, not even if Plua asked me to."

"Well fine then at least Plua and Yuri appreciates my hugs," as Victor was talking he did not realize that he kept on pulling me into a deeper deeper embrace, and at this point of the argument, I could not breath. Victor releases instantly releases when he sees that he is literally squeezing the breath out of me.

"Oh Yuri, I'm so sorry!!! I didn't realize that I was squeezing you that hard!!!" Bemoans Victor.

"No it's fine Victor," I pant trying to catch my breath. Victor comes over to me concerned.

"Are you ok? Are you feeling faint? Can I get you anything? Water? Juice? Cookies?" Victor flutters around me checking my pulse.

"Seriously Victor I'm fine, I just need a moment to breath."

"Can I leave now? like am I dismissed? Cause I have better things than to hang out in the kitchen watching the two of you be all mushy gushy! Blegh!" Interrupts Yurio

"Yes yes, just go," says Victor with a hint of annoyance in his tone. Yurio goes over to where Victor set down his bowl and takes the whisk that Victor was using. He then starts to leave the room.

"Excuse me young man. What do you think you are doing?" Asks Victor sternly.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm taking whisks. It's a whisk to be a whisk taker!" Laughs Yurio licking the whisk and exits the room. Victor chases after him.

"That is a stupid pun and an even stupider risk!!! I'm coming after you whisk taker!!!," and I am left in the kitchen all alone.


mswattsquiggles for telling me to include the whisk pun... it's a terrible pun... but it makes me laugh so...

I still can't believe that I had 40 reads last chapter. Although this may not seem like a lot, I'm just really surprised that 40 ish people would actually read what I wrote... thanks!!! Love ya!

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