Chapter 18

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Oh sh*t.

Yakov found out. This was bad news... BADDDD NEEWWS! Bad news for me, Phichit, Yuri and Victor... especially bad news for Yuri and Victor.

Yakov struts in. Looking around at all of us like a predator observing his prey. I knew what he was doing. He was waiting for the first sign of weakness. I wouldn't be the first one to show it.

Yakov prowls around. "Sooo... Victor... what going on?..."

"Nothing." Victor says smoothly with a smile.

Yakov turns around. "And who is this?" He asks raising his eye brow.

"Phichit Chulanot. From Hasetsu Ninjas." Victor continues. At this Yakov's raised eyebrow, raises even higher.

"And this? Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Yuri Katsuki." Yuri says nervously. Hearing his last name, Yakov smiles. But not a regular smile. A evil, knowing smile. I shiver.

Immediately Yakov turns towards me. I'm such an idiot.

"So, Yurio. Are these your friends?"

I snort, but then see Victor's look and catch myself. "Ya" I mumble

"So you have friends now?" Yakov asks.

"Hey I had friends." I say shortly.

This time Yakov snorts. "Sure you did. Anyways are they here in a visit? Because if I remember correctly, There were delicious brownies made on Thursday, and no way Victor could have made them.In fact, I don't think anyone would be able to make such a delicious food."

Yuri smiles at this. "Yes. I was here on Thursday." He bows. "Thank you so much for your hospitality!"

Instantly Yakov relaxes. "Ok I guess, it's a misunderstanding on my part. As long as I get some of those brownies." He says with a wink.

Wow... he calmed down fast... that never happens. I guess Yuri being here, and being him helped calm him down. Man I need to keep Yuri around when Yakov is about to give me a lecture.

Yuri laughs. "Ok I guess, I'll head to the kitchen."

Yakov smiles. "Sure, you know the way right?"

Yuri smiles back. "Yep, I've been there three times already."

Wow...Yakov actually smiled. Like he was happy!!! When did that last happen!?! When dinosaurs were last alive. Probably.

Yuri walks out of the room. To the kitchen I presume.

Yakov smiles grows even wider. But I don't blame him the smell of those brownies were heavenly... and the taste was even better.

Phichit stretches out. "Great! You're chill. I guess I won't get in trouble!"

Immediately Yakov's attention is on Phichit, and Yakov is on high alert once again. I groan. He's such an idiot!



I hear a yell. I put down the bowl I was mixing. I turn off the oven. The first batch was almost done, but I didn't wanna burn down the kitchen (even though it's fire proof). I wipe my hands on a spare cloth, and start to head out of the kitchen when these two people wearing spiffy suits.

One was a girl with reddish wavy hair cut at her shoulders. The other was a guy with black hair in a mullet.

"You have been requested to leave." The girl says.

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Breech of agreement of the Peace treaty." Replys the guy.

"Oh..." I fall into silence. So Yakov found out. "Well then, I'll guess I'll go. There are brownies in the oven. Can I take them out first?"

"Sure" the girl replies shrugging.

"Thanks!" I walk over to the oven, and open the door. Immediately I hear sighs from behind me as the sent wafts towards them.

"Would you like one?" I ask them both.

They both look at each other warily. The girl goes ahead and takes one. "Well we sent supposed to be eating on the job, but Georgi here does it all the time, so..." she plops it in her mouth. "Ugh" she groans, "Sooo Vkusno!!!"

Immediately Georgi takes two, and puts it in his mouth. "These brownies have now expanded the horizons of my love. I can now all my senses are sharpened, and I see the world in a new way. Now I truly understand beauty. And can now proceed in life with love. A love that will never be rejected, for food will always be there to support me!" He cries.

The girl rolls her eyes. "Dramatic much?"

"Umm... so I have to leave right?... I mean the batter for the second batch is almost done. But I suppose someone else can finish it." The girl and Georgi look at me in shock not comprehend that I had to leave.

"Oh, and could you save some of those brownies for Yakov? I promised him some." I ask.

"There is no need." Yakov says walking into the room. "Mila, Georgi stop salivating over the brownies. Those are mine, and if you date touch them, I will not hesitate to take off your fingers."

He turns to me. "Please forgive my rudeness, but I have to escort you off of our premises."

"May I ask for what reason?"

Yakov sighs. "I'm afraid that one of your members has broken the peace treaty. Our group now has rights over the person, and will decide the punishment he deserves as is written in the peace treaty."

"Oh ok... so... I guess I got to go." I ask awkwardly.

"Yes, I will come over for a meeting with your father later on today perhaps to discuss this issue." Yakov says grimly, but smiling at me reassuringly.

"Ok, thank you," I say as we approach the gate. " Oh, and I hope you'll enjoy those brownies!"

"Oh I will Yuri, oh I will."

The gate closes and I'm left standing outside Ice's gate. At to go Phichit you may have started a war between our groups. Violating the peace treaty is a big deal. Depending on the demands Ice requests us for the breech of the peace treaty could cause our side to be angry... oh it is not going to be pretty.



Hello lovely human beans...

Anyways, I would just love to say that I love it when you guys comment, cause it makes me feel a little less lonely. Anywho, it's been great. I hade a dance competition. My group placed quite well, it was exciting.

See you in 2 days

Peace out

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