Aomine Daiki

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Heal or Hold On?

"Aomine!" Momoi's voice calls out.

You groan loudly and roll your eyes.
"Babe," Aomine coos and pulls you onto him so you're seated on his lap. "No need to get jealous." He adds with a smirk.

You punch his chest. "Who said I was jealous? Her voice just annoys me." You argue defensively.

"Mhm, sure." he fires back.

"Yes, Momoi?" He says as the pinkette approaches you two on the park bench.

When Momoi comes into view, your boyfriend subtly slides you off his lap. You are left confused by this random action.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, dammit! Practice is on right now!"

"I know." Is his plain answer.

"Get your ass over there, then!"

"No. I'm busy."
Momoi's eyes fixate on you as if she only just realised you were there. She glares at you and you simply stare back, completely unaffected.

"Aomine, one of these days your lack of practice is going to come back and bite you in the ass." She says. Aomine chuckles loudly and dramatically.

"Don't say such stupid things, Momoi. The only one who can beat me is me."

Momoi stares at him and when he doesn't make any signs of moving she stomps her foot on the ground as if she were a child who just got her candy taken away.

"Geez, Aomine!" Momoi struts off.

"I don't like her." You say to yourself.


» » »

"Oh, Y/N. What are you doing here?" Imayoshi slides into the booth opposite you with a burger in his hands.

"Waiting for Aomine. He's really late, though." You glance at the clock on the wall and feel your face drop as you realise just how late he is.

"When was he meant to get here?" Imayoshi asks as he munches on his burger.

"One hour ago..."

"Y/N..." He trails off using the kind of voice your mother would use when she's disappointed. "I don't think Aomine is very good for you. I mean, I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I heard he got a girlfriend. The boy has no standards."
You glare at him.
"But you surely are out of his league. You're a bit short... and your hair is honestly crazy sometimes. Your fake smile is a little strange. Your boobs-"

"Imayoshi! Get to your damn point and stop insulting me!"

"My point is... You shouldn't let anyone treat you this way. You're better than that."

You stare at Imayoshi in shock.

"Shut your big mouth. You'll catch flies." He devours the rest of the burger, crumples up the paper and shoots it into the trashcan. Just like every basketball player you know.

"Thank you, Imayoshi. You're actually nicer than most people think." You smile.

"Don't say stupid things like that in public, Y/N." He pushes up his glasses.

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