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Hello people! I originally posted this story on, under the same username and title. I just wanted to put it here too because it's February 15th, the anniversary of Take Back The Falls. Anyway, this starts between The Love God and Northwest Mansion Mystery/Noir for Gravity Falls and after the Tournament of the Elements for Ninjago. Spoilers, obviously.

I do not own Ninjago, Gravity Falls, or any of their characters!

Gravity Falls: Dipper's POV

"Mabel, do you think it's possible for other universes or dimensions to exist?" I asked my twin sister.

"Why, does the author think so too?" She stressed 'author' like it was dangerous to say. "You're a dork, you know that, right?"

I just nodded twice. Then, "Wanna take a walk in the forest? There's a page in here that says that there's a leprecorn breeding ground in a certain part, next to a place where random portals appear."

Mabel squealed and jumped up and down."What's a leprecorn? A leprechaun-unicorn hybrid?"

I laughed, nodded, and headed downstairs, Mabel following behind me, being WAY to energetic. And this was her without drinking Mabel Juice yet, that I knew of.

Meanwhile, in Ninjago, on the Bounty: Jay's POV

Just a normal day on the Bounty. Cole, Kai, Zane, and I were training with our new dragons that we can summon, Nya was training with a dummy, and Lloyd was sitting down, facing the wall, not doing anything. He really misses his father, Garmadon. Well, we all miss Garmadon, but Lloyd took it the hardest. He had just gotten his father back and lost him in such a short time. But, he did sacrifice himself save all of Ninjago, so, yay? Plus, he's definitely not going to be called a villain anymore. I mean, he has a statue in the Corridor of Elders now! That's a huge honor! I want a statue there someday.

"Jay, focus!" Cole yelled at me.

"Sorry," I said. I guess I was ramble-thinking too much again. I really have a bad habit of that. It's like when you ramble on and on about something no one cares about, but in your head, and not out loud, so you really just stare off into space and other people think you're crazy or something.

"What is distracting you, Jay?" Zane asked. Ugh, I hate his sixth sense. He really knows when someone is feeling feelings. Can all nindroids do that, or just the best titanium ninja ever? Wait, he's the only titanium ninja. I'm confusing myself.

"Lloyd looks like he could use some cheering up," I said, getting my thoughts back on track. "I can't stand seeing him so sad. I can't even think of anything to distract us from it. Not one joke. At all."

"Jay," Kai said, "we could all use some distraction right now. But training is more important. And it's really that serious?"

I nodded.

"My brother's right," Nya pointed out. "So I hate to distract everyone, but, what are we flying into?"

There was a rip in the sky that looked like a portal of some sort. And we were flying right for it. Distraction, achieved. I looked back and saw Lloyd standing up and Sensei Wu and Misako coming out of the bridge. They looked as confused as we did.

"Uncle, what is that?" Lloyd asked Sensei Wu.

"I do not know, Lloyd, but we are about to find out." Sensei answered.

Next thing we knew, we went through the portal, and the world went dark.

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