Chapter 1

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Gravity Falls: Mabel's POV

"Leprecorn, leprecorn, oh magical leprecorn!" I sang as Dipper, my little twin brother, and I were walking through the forest behind our Grunkle Stan's Mystery Shack. Dipper, as always, had his nose buried in Journal 3. "Hey, what do leprecorns look like?"

Dipper just showed me the page. It was so cute! I colored it in my head, since the Journal's only colors were black and page color.

"Hey, Mabel, do you hear that?" Dipper asked.

I listened for a second. Then I heard it. It sounded all magical like. Like: Woosh! Blagh! Shoulll! Next thing I knew, a HUGE portal opened up in an empty field a few hundred feet away.

"Dipper?" I asked in panic. He was already flipping through the Journal.

"Don't worry," he said after a few seconds. "Blue portals only throw stuff out, not suck them in."

"Then what's gonna come out?"

Dipper shrugged. So we waited.

Soon, a giant boat with a dragon head on the front flew out of the portal and landed safely and slowly on the ground. Then the portal disappeared. Dipper and I slowly walked toward the ship. Dipper quickly flipped through the Journal.

"There's nothing in the Journal about this," he said gloomily and with alarm.

"That means we have made a discovery!" I exclaimed. "You can write about this in there if you want! Are you coming up or what?"

"Yea- wait, go up there?!"

"Yeah, doy. How else are going to see if any cute boys are on this thing, huh?"

Dipper thought for a second, then said, "How are we going to get up there?"

"With my... GRAPPLING HOOK!" I yelled, pulling it out and pointing it towards the side of the ship.

Dipper sighed but held on to me. I pulled the trigger and we flew up.

When we saw the people, I instantly fell in love with the blonde boy wearing a green outfit. The way he was passed out was so cute! Plus, he looked about 13! SQUEEEE! I could tell the one with orange hair wearing blue was taken, 'cause he was right next to a girl with short black hair in a red dress. On the other side of the girl was a boy with really spiky brown hair. Then there was a robot that's all silver, with spiky-ish hair. One guy looked kind of emo, with black hair and black clothes. All those people look between 16 and 18. There was also 2 old people. One was wearing a bamboo hat and had a long beard. He must be really smart with a beard that long. The final person was an old lady with gray hair in a braid wearing a traveler's outfit. They must be about 60.

"Mabel," Dipper interrupted my thoughts. "I think these guys are ninjas."

"Why?" I asked.

"Look at their outfits." He was right. They did look like ninjas. Why is Dipper always right? We heard someone groan. "Mabel, let's go."

"But, I wanna make sure they're okay."


Within the next minute, everyone was awake.

Yes, I know Lloyd was affected by the aging potion in Child's Play, but I still see him as younger than the others for some reason. And no, I don't know any of their real ages, as they have yet to be confirmed, that was just my opinion on how old they are. 

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