Chapter 32

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August 24th, 2012. Outside the Shack. Dipper's POV.

Great Uncle Ford and I had ran outside when we found out Mabel had taken the wrong backpack. We had stopped on the lawn, when a giant X ripped the sky apart.

"What's going on?!" I asked, panicked. "What is that?!"

"We're too late! It's the end of the world," Ford replied, surprisingly calm.

We saw Bill reach physical form and call several of his 'friends' out of the X in the sky. Jay and Zane came running out of the Shack.

"So this is how the world ends," Ford said, not noticing them. "Not with a bang but with a... boop-boop."

"Weirdmaggedon," I stated.

"Okay, not as cool as I thought," Jay said nervously. Zane shook his head.

Several birds caw and flew over us. Paranormal and normal creatures were behind them. A deer knocked me over, causing me to gasp.

"Move it, stretch," a gnome said.

"Hey, we're scampering here!" another added.

'Okay, still on bad terms with them,' I thought as Great Uncle Ford lifts me up.

"The rift is shattered," he stated, looking at the ninja. "Bill's world is spilling into ours and every minute his powers grow stronger."

"Mabel!" I remembered. "The rift must have cracked inside her backpack. She must be in danger. I have to go find her." I started running and brought out the walkie talkie. "Mabel! Come in, Mabel! Mabel!"

Ford and the ninja grabbed my arm. "Bad idea to go running into danger unarmed, buddy," Jay said, no note of joking or sarcasm in his voice for once.

"Kids. Listen to me," Ford said, though he was looking right at me. "We can find your sister soon, but first we have to stop Bill. If we can blast him back through the rift he came out of, we just might be able to stop him before his weirdness spreads across the entire globe."

"Are you sure defeating Bill is even possible?" Zane asked him.

Ford looked at the three of us. "No. I'm not sure. But being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible. Will you follow me?"

"To the ends of the earth," we all said.

"Good. Because that's where we're heading." A distant roar sounded in the distance. "You also might want to step inside."

We ran inside, just as what a gnome calls a 'weirdness wave' comes crashing down. Luckily, the unicorn hair worked, and the Shack was safe. We followed Great Uncle Ford to the basement.

Ten minutes later. Jay's POV.

Ford had grabbed a large case from his lab and then we headed for the clock tower. Near the tower, Bill was arguing with what looked like a ghost and a girl with lime green hair.

"I told you, Ivy, I get to lead Weirdmaggedon!" Bill yelled. He was so loud I'm pretty sure the next town over could hear him. And that's coming from me!

"Well it was my idea, bro!" the girl responded.

Ford stopped climbing the stairs, nearly causing me to run into his back. "Bill has a sister?" he asked. "I thought he destroyed everyone in his home dimension."

"Not the time for sciencey stuff, Ford," I stated, shoving his back. "Now come on!"

I could tell he didn't want to, and stay rooted to the spot thinking on that for a while, but he kept moving.

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