Chapter 26

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August 23rd, 9:30 am. Mystery Mountain. No POV (For whole chapter)

The ninja and Ronin followed Stan and Darlene from in the bushes. Jay was a little nervous with the giant spider statue behind them, with his arachnophobia and all.

"Jay, quit squirming," Kai said under his breath.

"Sorry. I'm just scared of spiders, and having a statue of a giant one behind me is not very comforting."

Zane motioned for them to be quiet.

"Oh," Darlene says to Stan as they sit on a bench, "are you sure you wanna go this deep into the forest? It's so scary."

"Heh, don't worry, toots," Stan replies. "That spider people stuff is just an urban legend. I can't believe people fall for it."

"You're so brave."

"What can I say? I'm a real catch."

Kia fake gags. Cole slaps him upside the head.

"Yes." Darlene blinks, and her eyes turn pitch black. Her voice drops several octaves. "The catch of the day."

"Uh, I think your contacts fell out-"

Stan and the ninja scream as Darlene shifts into a large spider. Jay bolts, quickly followed by Kia. Zane, Cole and Ronin stay behind, albeit reluctantly, to follow Darlene.

Meanwhile, where Dipper is completely embarrassing himself...

"I was trying to learn how to talk to girls!" Dipper explained to the 4 girls around him.

The three from the other tourist attractions walked away, calling him a jerk. He turned hopefully to Candy.

"Dipper Pines," she said, taking off her glasses. "I thought you were a nice guy. But I guess you only care about yourself." She walks away, putting her glasses back on.

"Candy, wait! Ugh, I messed everything up."

"Yes you did," Lloyd said, emerging from the shadows.

"AHH! Ho- how long have you been there?"

"Long enough." Lloyd sat down next to Dipper. "Listen, man. If you wanted to learn how to talk to girls, you should have asked one of us. Or, maybe your sister. After all, she should know what girls like."

"I know. It's just," Dipper sighed, "Grunkle Stan noticed. While we were at the yarn ball place, he asked me what was wrong. He's only done that a few times before, and I saw a bonding opportunity. I just didn't want to let him down."

"I think you let yourself down more than him." They sat in silence for a minute before Lloyd continued. "Besides, it's better to be hated for being yourself, than be loved for someone you're not."

"Thanks, Lloyd."

Dipper's walkie-talkie crackled to life, at the same time Jay and Kai ran in.

"Need- you- help," Jay panted. "Spider. People. Real."

"Hey, buddy boy," Stan's voice came from the walkie-talkie. "So remember how we were talking about my technique? Well, sometimes it leads to unexpected consequences."

"Yeah, you can say that again. Hang on, Jay and Kai were telling us something."

"Stan was kidnapped by a spider person," Kai blurted.


"Yep. I could kinda use some help. Also, there's a guy in brown, a guy with an eyepatch, and Zane and Cole."

"Great. Where are you?"

"Widow's Peak."

"It should be Widower's Peak," Jay joked.

The others shot him a look.

"We're on our way," Dipper said, shutting the walkie-talkie off. "Should we get the girls?"

The three ninja were already sprinting towards the entrance.

"Oh, wait up!"

Widow's Peak.

Darlene shot webbing at Stan's walkie-talkie and smashed it on the floor of the cave. Her bottom half is that of a large spider.

"Ya know, I've never caught 5 people in one day before," she drawled. "First time for everything."

"Yeah, like first time you'll lose," Dareth said confidently.

"Really? I'll lose?" She walks up to the overweight sensei. "It's men that lose. I haven't met one man that hasn't asked me on a date." She points to Zane. "That one doesn't count, because he's a robot." She points to Cole. "That one doesn't count because he's a kid."

"I'm 18!"

"Still a kid to me, toots. Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to slip into something a little more horrifying." She uses her front legs to pull her spider skin over her human skin.

The others scream.

"Now I see why Jay has arachnophobia!" Cole exclaimed.

Darlene completely ignores him. "I wonder what beverage pairs well with a vintage 70-something year old man and an overweight man-child. Be right back."

Ronin looks at the others. "They need to get here asap."

Stump Bench.

"I feel like such a fool," Candy said to Nya, Mabel and Grenda. "I should have known to guard my heart in a cage of ice."

"There, there!" Grenda yelled. "Let my calming voice sooth you!"

Candy looked at her friend. "It is helping."

"Look, Candy," Nya said. "Sometimes things don't work out. It hurts, but you'll feel better eventually. Plenty of fish in the sea."

"Thank you, Nya."

"NYA!" Jay yells.

Him, Kai, and Lloyd run up to the girls, Dipper trailing slightly behind. Despite her kind words, Nya judo-flips Dipper the first chance she gets.

"I deserved that," he said half to himself.

"Guys, Stan, Zane, and Cole are trapped by some spider lady," Kia said. "We need some backup."

"Yeah," Dipper said, standing up. "You can totally kill me later, but they need help."

The girls share a look.

"Let's go."

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