Chapter 19

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August 3rd, 2012. 8:00 pm. Jay's POV

Ford, Dipper, Candy, Zane, and I were just casually playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons in the Pines' living room, because we had run out of room in Ford's Lab, when Grenda came in and stomped on our graph paper. Along with her was Mabel, Stan, and Lloyd.

"Ah!" she said. "Graph paper! Kill it! Kill it!"

"Hey!" I said. "I was looking at that!"

"Guys, could you maybe move this to another room?" Mabel asked.

"No dice!" Ford answered. "We ran out of room in the basement and we're going for a world record!"

"And Sensei will not permit us to use the Bounty, as it interferes with the equipment," Zane informed.

"My mother would not enjoy the noise," Candy added. "She says it 'interrupts her Zen'."

"Now, dice!" Ford rolled. "32, yes! 7,000 points damage!"

Dipper laughed. "You got me!"

Stan seemed fed up. "Oh, why, why with this? You wanna break a record, Ford? You already got it with world's nerdiest old man."

"Hey, at least I'm not all keyed up to watch a kid's show."

Stan looked offended. "I'll have you know that Duck-tective has a big mystery element! And a lot of humor that goes over kids' heads!"

Grenda leaned towards Mabel and Lloyd. "I don't get a lot of it, but I like animals in human situations."

"Grunkle Stan, it starts in a few minutes!" Mabel panicked.

"I'm very interested in this show!" Lloyd said. What exactly was he doing here?

Stan moved to take a paper off the TV, but Ford caught his hand. "Move that and pay the price!"

"Oh, what, fifty magical dwarf dollars?" Stan teased.

"Don't mock our fantastical monetary system!" I yelled.

"I'll mock all I want, it's my TV room!" he replied.

"It's my house, you..." Ford sighed. "Listen, Stanley, did it ever occur to you to if you joined us you might actually have fun?"

"What? Now you listen to me!" He took Ford's bag that has the infinity sided die in it. "As long as I live I will never..."

"Wait!" Zane, Dipper, Candy, and I yelled.



"Play your smarty pants nerd game!" Stan throws the bag on the floor, and the infinity sided die rolled out.

"No!" us players yelled.

The die stopped rolling near the box. It sparked blue lightning, encasing the box. Suddenly, Probabilitor, an ogre, Hot Elf, and a griffin appeared.

"You didn't tell us the die could do that!" I say to Ford.

"I said it could do anything. This warrants as anything."

"Mortals of dimension 46'\," Probabilitor said, "kneel before me and-" he rolls a die- "snivel! I am Probabilitor! The greatest wizard in all of mathology! Give or take an error of 0.4."

"Is this normal?" Stan asked.

"Have you come to send us on the quest of a lifetime because we're the smartest players you've ever met?" Zane asked as we all backed up a few steps.

"You are the smartest players I've ever met!" He replied. I grinned. "That's why I'm going to eat your brains to gain your intelligence." I swore softly. "It's what I do."

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