Chapter 40

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Mystery Shack, No POV.

After only half an hour, McGucket had drawn up some blueprints as to how they'd bring the Shack to Bill. He laid them on a table, and Dipper, Mabel, Kai, Nya, Lloyd, and Jay crowded around to look at it.

"Alright," the ex-genius said. "I've made some thingamadiculous robomajigs in my day, but this is the first one that won't be used for evil."

The ninja exchanged nervous glances, remembering what the twins had told them about his aquatic robot. Said twins, meanwhile, looked at the blueprints excitedly.

"Whoa! These blueprints are incredible, McGucket," Dipper praised.

"This is your most amazing invention yet," Mabel declared.

Soos glanced at the paper. "Question, does it have any gun-swords? I watch a lot of anime and, uh, trust me, you're gonna want some gun-swords."

"There's anime in this dimension?" Jay exclaimed at the same time McGucket asked, "What's an 'anime'?"

Soos and Jay each put an arm around him. "We have much to discuss," they said in unison.

Stan, who hadn't really been listening, had had enough. "Discuss nothing! These scribbles are a bunch of cockamamie balderdash! Excuse my French." One of the French Lilliputtians said that wasn't French. Stan ignored him. "And where would you even find a bunch of idiots who would be crazy enough to build it?"

Mabel grinned. "Grunkle Stan, you're looking at those idiots."

Everyone cheered, ignoring the fact she called everyone an idiot. Soos repeated her last word happily.

"Alright, everyone," Lloyd said. "Let's get building!"

Insert Building Montage and Stan's Denial Here.

After Sunset, Outside the Shack, which is covered in a tarp.

Everyone but Stan huddles together by the fire, trying to keep warm. Even Cole and Garmadon are there, since it's far enough away from the Shack they're not affected by the unicorn hair.

"Thanks for these apocalypse sweaters, Mabel," Soos said, petting his tiger sweater. "The end of the world has never been so comfortable."

Everyone else nods and hums in agreement. Garmadon looks at his.

"How did you add the extra arms to mine?"

"It wasn't that hard. I just had to make it longer and remember to add them."

Pacifica, who's wearing the Llama sweater that she'd worn before (chapter 21), also had a question. "Yeah, how do you make these so soft?"

Mabel shrugged. "I'm magical, that's how. You know what, I think we actually have a chance to beat Bill and win back our future." She looked at Lloyd when she said that, who smiled at her.

"Yeah," Dipper, who was the only one other than Cole not wearing a sweater, replied glumly. "Getting to actually live to see our 13th birthday party is the only birthday present I want right now."

"Ah, come on man," Cole said. "Don't think like that. We'll kick that triangle's butt and you'll have the best party ever."

"Yeah, dude," Soos added. "I guarantee this whole town is gonna throw you the best birthday party you've ever seen."

"Thanks, guys. Hey, has anyone seen Grunkle Stan?"

"I think he was talking to Shmebulock over there," Jeff answered.

"Thanks, Jeff."

Dipper and Mabel went off to talk to them. Cole looked at his teammates.

"How do you think Zane's doing?"

"Hopefully okay," Kai replied.

"I'm sure he's fine," Jay assured.

McGucket walked over to the ninja. "Hey, Cole, since you're a ghost an' all, can you fly?"

"I, think so." He stood up and jumped, hovering about a foot above the ground. "Yes."

"Good, you can keep up with us then." He turned to Garmadon and pulled out a jetpack. "Jay and I were workin' on this in secret for ya."

"Oh, thank you, Fiddleford." Garmadon hesitantly grabbed it. "Is this safe?"

"Come on, Garmadon, don't you trust me?" Jay said jokingly.

"Not usually."

"Hey, I made the Bounty fly."

"And your hang glider was a fail," Sensei reminded him.

"That was a prototype."

The others laughed.

"Help! Leader Mabel!" a manataur said loudly, drawing everyone's attention. "I keep accidentally flexing through my sweater." He does so. "Augh! It happened again!"

Mabel laughed and came over to fix it. "I guess I'll just have to make you a bigger one."

Time Skip! Fearmid.

Bill and Ivy had let Zane out of the vault, but chained him up to watch Ford's torture. Bill charged up an energy bolt in his eye and shocked Ford, causing him to scream. Zane urged to cover his ears.

"P.I.X.A.L., can you turn down my hearing at all?" he asked her.

"I'm sorry, Zane, but I do not think I can do that."

"What do you think, pals?" Bill asked his Henchmaniacs. "Another 500 volts? Hey, do you hear that?"

The wall right next to Zane crumbled under the hit of a T-Rex's head.

"This is impossible, all large dinosaurs are extinct," P.I.X.A.L. said as it roared.

"We should know by now that Gravity Falls breaks rules," Zane replied, smirking. He froze the chains holding him and pulled, which shattered them. He leaped onto the Shacktron.

"Zane!" the other ninja yelled, hugging him.

"Hello, brothers."

Meanwhile, back in the Fearmid, the Cipher siblings weren't as happy.

"What the-" Ivy started.

"Language, sis," Bill smirked.

"I'll language you! Henchmaniacs, attack!"

Bill's Henchmaniacs jumped out of the Fearamid, double the size they were before.

"This was a bad idea," Stan stated.

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