Chapter 41

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Shacktron, outside the Fearamid. No POV.

Soos taped a microphone that they had hooked up. "Uh, hey, dudes. Is this thing on? Test." Feedback screeches, and everyone covers their ears. "Heh. I just wanted you monster dudes to hand over Ford or we'll have to, like, fight and junk."

"Attack!" Ivy yelled from the Fearamid. "I've wanted to see a proper battle since we've arrived in this dimension."

The Henchmaniacs run towards the Shacktron. Garmadon, Cole, Rumble, and Wendy all take care of hovering eye-bats. McGucket eats another up with the Gobblewonker head. Mabel helps Waddles fire several cannonballs out of the totem pole. The ninja blind all the monsters with eyes.

"Everyone! Incoming!" Multi-Bear yelled.

Stan pulled at an exit door. "Does this thing have an escape hatch?"

"Nope!" Jay said.

Xanthar, the giant loaf of bread with legs, smashed into the Shacktron, pushing it back. Everyone inside screamed.

"Oh no, you don't," Cole said, flying into Xanthar. He made the monster stop dead in his tracks, allowing the people inside to lift Xanthar up and throw him far away. Cole flew out of the monster and joined Garmadon in fighting off 8-Ball.

Back in the Fearmid, Ivy facepalmed.

"Guys, seriously? You had, like, one job to do here," Bill said, even though he knew his Henchmaniacs couldn't hear him.

Ford, meanwhile, was proud of his family. "Bravo, Dipper and Mabel!" He rubbed his wrists, which were now free of chains, as the Ciphers' attention had fallen from him for so long.

Ivy turned to him. In a fake sweet voice, she said, "Oh, you care about them, don't you?"

"And those kids really care about you, too," Bill said.

"What are you..." Ford started, before realizing what the dream demons were implying. "Oh. Oh no."

"Perhaps torturing those kids'll make you talk," the Cipher siblings said in unison, before wincing. "We need to stop doing that," Ivy said, turning Ford back to gold.

"Agreed," Bill said. "Now, do you want to smash that thing or let me do it?"

"All your's, brother."

Bill's eye widened. "Really?"

"Yes. Go."

Ivy knew that the Shacktron was surrounded in unicorn hair, since Morro had told her about it. Bill didn't, but she loved to see her brother throw a fit.

Said demon had made his fist grow to the size of his body. He adjusted his bowtie before smashing his fist onto the mech, causing large plumes of dust to spread miles around. He lifted his fist to see the Shacktron perfectly fine.

"What the? No! No! No! No! No!" Bill yelled, growing ten arms and pounding at the Shacktron. Back in the Fearmid, Ivy laughed.

She stopped, though, when the T-Rex head ate Bill's eye.

"Hey, the only one that can yank my brother's eye out is me!" She flew out, where she was met with Cole and Garmadon. Jay joined them with Airjitzu.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

From the Shacktron, Kai, Lloyd, and Nya looked at Jay in awe.

"How's he doing that?" Nya asked Zane.

"Airjitzu. It is quite simple, really. All you have to do is Spinjitzu, and then jump. Like this."

Zane joined Jay in the air. With a shared look, the other three spun up to speed and jumped, joining them.

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